Trump Fires Democratic EEOC Commissioner

The renewal form asks for sex M or F.
We just renewed ourselves.


I’m getting a little fucking fed up with the limp-dick “Democrats can’t do anything” whine.

As I recall, when the fucking right was in the minority, they still somehow managed to throw enough monkey wrenches and sand into the gears of government to get what they wanted, or at least grind our agenda to a halt? How is that we can’t do the same thing? And if you’re looking for the reason people hate the democrats look no further.

Because they look and act and stink like fucking losers. While the right finds a way to get shit done, the fucking left points out why just steamrolling over anyone in our way isn’t nice “we’d be just like them” (good, btw) and insists on playing kumbay-fucking-ya. It’s limp dickery at its finest. Even when we win, we still find a way to fucking lose.

I mean, just saying out loud “there’s nothing Democrats can do” is pretty much the same as smearing on a handful of lube, bending over and passing the can along. What the fuck is that?

What was it I heard the French called by old WW2 vets when I was a kid? Cheese-eating surrender monkeys. That’s the fucking democrats. fucking worthless.

I meant that I wasn’t applying as an X.


You: “Democrats can’t do anything whine”

My sentiments, especially in the last day or so, are much like yours.
Short of some global war, election of this ascendant autocrat is the most frightening political event of what has become a longer than normal life span of my fellow Americans.
Prattling in this forum has served as kind of talk therapy or outlet for my angst, but even this is wearing thin.
I wouldn’t call men like Thom Hartmann a doomster, but when scholars like him are seeing the open playbook of Orban and several others who have become autocrats in the past decade or so, I get edgy.
That’s my mindset pre-noon in my time zone.

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i like Hartmann, but man can he lay it on thick. You listen to him and you start expecting someone to break the door down.


Man, I hear you.

Hold on, there’s somebody at the door - BRB…