That tweet does not read at all like Donald wrote it. I’m guessing staffer.
Actually, it’s worse for central bank governors. The special language they use is called the liturgia, invoked much as Latin was in the Catholic mass. While average people didn’t understand Latin, they knew they were headed to Heaven for just an hour of this nonsense once a week. Similarly, this is how most people view economics. Your average car salesman may drop terms like APR and think he speaks economics, but none of good stuff. A governor will throw in macroterminology that quickly gets audience eyes glazing, e.g. “core inflation”, “purchasing power parity adjusted”, “Gini coefficient”, “yield curve”, “Keynesian anything”, “Taylor rule”, “macroprudential stability” and of course, “uncertainty”. Next, always speak the liturgia in a monotonous tone, and never walk fast, look worried, or carry a prop (which is standard behavior in most workplaces).
A meeting and Tweet calculated to get this weekend’s emergency hospital visit off the front page.
The “King of Debt” Trump (his self-applied title, not mine) is DESPERATE for negative interest rates for two reasons;
- To goose the flagging economy and with it, his re-election chances.
- To lower his astronomical interest payments on all of his under-water real estate debts.
Trump owes a ton of money to Oligarchs in Russia who underwrote many of his disastrous real estate deals. With him now in danger of not even finishing his full term, more or less getting re-elected, they are calling in those debts and he is panicking about it.
My thought exactly. The guy who misspells “hamburger” and 1000 other words wouldn’t have a prayer of getting the proper form of “its” correct.
Didn’t The Dumpster appoint Powell?
So who is the “naive bonehead?”
I’m pretty much thinking that the guy who bankrupted a casino isn’t the guy a bunch of economists should be getting pointers from.
Trump’s entire dialogue at any given time is just listing off buzz words he heard a few minutes prior or that Fox News uses regularly, there never seems to be any understanding behind the words themselves or their usage.
Who ya gonna trust here?
A real and experienced economist, or a guy who goes bankrupt running casinos.
One can literally print money and the other lets money slip through his tiny fingers.
The loans from the Russian oligarchs have terms that are unaffected by Fed monetary decision. They follow a separate indicator known as “Заплати сейчас, черт побери, или будешь спать с рыбами. И вы должны нам остальную часть Украины.” This means, “Pay up now you fucking deadbeat or you’ll be sleeping with the fishes. And you owe us the rest of the Ukraine.”
Orange privilege = being POTUS in an economy where a reality show teenager selling lipstick on Instagram can become a billionaire and thinking you did something.
Is “Orange privilege” a thing? It should be.
I thought that “Hamberder” was lower-class Queens slang for “hamburgers from White Castle”, or more simply “gut bombs” or “coronary bombs.”
Trump has reportedly been anxious about the chance of an upcoming recession, though Bloomberg has the chances of the economy collapsing into one in the next 12 months at just 26 percent, citing hopeful signs like the labor markets.
OTOH, ETTD. Don’t get too comfortable relying on that 26% figure.
But, if it does come to that, i’ll be very happy to get paid extra by the Fed for taking out a loan. There are a number of things i could do if i got paid to spend money.
Ordering them to intervene in money markets is the polite economist way of doing so. (When you ease monetary policy, the means for doing so – FOMB trading, yes there is a state of the art trading desk at the Fed and all the buy trades are settled against people’s Federal Reserve accounts. If you make a broker-dealer have a bigger number, that is known as printing money.
Jerome Powell was considered a fiscal hawk. He’s going to go the way of a certain foreign policy hawk who also didn’t understand that his job was to do as he was told.
So I guess this means donnie won’t get the Nobel for economics, either?
He should. He’s blowing up all of the economic models by proving that the various statistics that move markets actually create recessions.
He’s doing this by cleverly releasing false information about jobs and how good the economy is, and finding that the markets respond positively to fake news which flies in the face of what all other factors indicate.
Amazing stuff, really, they’re going to have to throw out most of MacroEcon 101.
“Trump oddly thinks that it is expedient to continue easing, but the chief argument at the Fed was just to bring the back to a neutral monetary stance.”
Thanks. It’s a bit complex but you explained enough for it to make sense to me. I learned something.
Surely you didn’t believe those loans would be available to us common folk?
Two issues of basic concern here:
Trump will turn anything he can into an opportunity for corruption.
“Everything Trump touches, dies.“
So, by all means, let’s keep this incompetent’s hands off of the levers of the economy if at all possible.
Trump, Fed Telling Very Different Stories After Surprise Meeting
Oh, it’s just one of those “He said/ Sheep said” kind of things…