Trump Echoes Fox News: The Media ‘Would Love To See A Recession’

How terribly odd, because I always felt that the 1% were keeping the economy down under Obama. Yet the media, which is both a corporation, and completely relies on a consumer economy, is somehow manipulating the market by giving the president all the air time he wants to explain his glorious policies.
I’m confused. I guess I just don’t know enough double-barrelled obfuscatory terms like he does to understand it.

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Then why hasn’t he hired Rove?

He’a already pivoted from “no recession” to “maybe a recession, but I had to do those tariffs on China. (that Americans will pay for)”


He would welcome him, but he doesn’t want to pay him?

It is only a matter of time before we hear how great a recession will be for the economy. It will be the best recession ever!

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Then I guess it’s back to canned baby hearts for Rove.

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You think it’s an Impossible Burger? As in impossible to keep out of the Precedent’s gob?

“Burger! Get in my belly!”

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Read he is thinking about reducing payroll withholding as a means to put money into peoples hands. This after telling everyone that Americans are flush with cash. He, of course, will forget to say that that tax is still due and must be paid come April 15, 2020. Can just see it come six months prior to the next election and all the rubes screaming how the IRS is being unfair to demand payment of the very taxes withholding is supposed to make less painful. If he does this it would behoove DEMS to advertise starting in as soon as withholding is changed reminding taxpayers that they should not just spend and spend some more as the bill is still due. Reminding taxpayers that tRUmp is setting them up for a painful lesson. Yes, many will not heed but many others will remember.

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So the guy who was running for president in 2016, who said…

“Don’t believe those phony numbers when you hear 4.9 percent and 5 percent unemployment. The number’s probably 28, 29, as high as 35. In fact, I even heard recently 42 percent.”

…is now claiming that people are trying to ruin the economy by using false numbers?

This rat is such a lard-ass that trap wouldn’t move one millimeter if he went for the bait.

If the economy is doing so well, why consider a payroll tax cut to keep it “humming”?