Trump Defends Rallies Amid Outbreak | Talking Points Memo

How long before he drags a coronavirus victim into the rally to lay on hands and heal them before the kkkult kkkongregation?


I can just picture me in the doctor’s waiting room… “Anyone here been to a Trump rally or been in contact with anyone who has?” Or at the post office or the local garage or the library. Once they get infected at the rally and get out in the community, there’s no way to track them. I mean, I totally and completely understand the “yeah, let them get together and infect each other” sentiment, It was my first impulsive thought too. If only it weren’t for the fact that there would be no way to end it there.


We had friends for dinner last night -one couple has a long planned trip to Paris and are scheduled to leave in April. They rented an apartment for a month and have booked flights with miles. It is not clear if the trip will happen or if they went how difficult it would be to return to the U.S. Another couple had booked a trip to Japan for sometime this month. They canceled it. Their daughter was supposed to go to China this month- she canceled. Now the three of them have a planned to go to Mexico City instead and pondered whether that would need to be canceled.


I think the crowds will continue to rally for 45*. Prolly many of them think it would be an honor to die for 45*.


It is never a good time to book a cruise. Stuck on board for 7 days with thousands of people you’d pay good money to get away from?


After they keel over, how long do the AR-15s stay contagious?


Wow. Learn a few things about how coronaviruses spread. Morons live in communities with other people, and they travel and they go to things other than Trump rallies.

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I believe that will depend on barrel warmth?


I’ve been on a couple but went with friends which helped. The average age of the passengers was 75-80. We were veritable youngsters in our mid 60’s. I arranged for our own excursions which was also bonus.


That’s the idea - reduce the population of red states by any means possible. Fewer white morons is an improvement.

According to the Trump administration, coronavirus is a hoax anyway.


Perfect. Ah, the Democrats are not in the WH?
Whom do you want answering that 2am phone call? Not this idiot. His priorities are pretty clear. He doesn’t give a crap. Acting like the buffoon he is even in a crisis.

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In all seriousness there will almost certainly be an Infowars/Fox storyline about the threat of clandestine Antifa super spreaders infiltrating Trump rallies…


And too bad for the non-red inhabitants of those states? Too bad for the undocumented workers who do a lot of the farm work and other grunt work in those states? Too bad for the old people who aren’t Republicans but can’t afford to move? Too bad for the kids who haven’t voted for anyone yet and never will if they die? Nice to know that “our” side can be as vindictive as them!


We cancelled our trip to Italy at the first of May. It was my decision because I’m pretty susceptible to upper respiratory infections - I’ve come home 5 times out of 12 with one. We were not going into the north but I don’t want to be in airports or on planes.


By all indications, it’s already well outside of anything resembling containment. Given that circumstance, I’m going to say that it’s quite justified to point and laugh at the MAGA set for exposing themselves to the plague.


Mrs. von Holst and I went on her older sister’s 50th anniversary cruise along the western Mexican coast. You’re right about the demographics with folks gorging themselves into oblivion 24/7 and tours to jewelry stores in Mexican ports. What’s with that? The high point was Mrs. von Holst taking a picture of me with a large parrot placed on my shoulder. I had a lot of Robert Newton energy.


So long as they keep those fuckers in a hermetically sealed environment like the bubble they already live in to some degree, I’m fine with him keeping those rallies going. Many of us remember Bubble Boy from the early 70’s that didn’t have any immune system to speak of due to early cancer therapy. Perhaps we can erect a bubble to encompass all those fuckers.

“Build That Bubble. Build That Bubble.”
Who will pay for it? Russia will.


I don’t mind laughing at them. I think the ones who do go to rallies are double idiots, and I’m not going to cry for them. But they’re also volunteer disease vectors who aren’t just going to infect others of their kind unless they live in tiny towns where everyone is a Trumper and they never go anywhere else.


Our saying something here doesn’t infect anyone, now does it?