President Donald Trump and his allies have repeated ad nauseam that he froze congressionally approved military aid to Ukraine because of his staunch determination to weed out corruption in the Ukrainian government, not to pressure Ukraine into helping his political campaign.
Oh c’mon. You can’t POSSIBLY expect Donnie to be consistent, can you? He is a lying joke. The question is how long we will allow it to happen by being distracted by morons in Congress storming the ramparts and Trump tweeting nonsense ad nauseam?
Gve them a break. Who doesn’t act like a bunch of idiots when standing on the tracks, watching the train heading straight for them? They had plenty of opportunity to step away, but nah. They will have to live with their decisions.
Donald J. Trump and his Merry Band of Conservative Butthole Suckers are nothing but the muck on the floor of The Dark on “Super Natural.” This is worse than the black ooze of the Leviathans. We are talking lowest of the low.
Increasingly I think this is the reason for much of what we’re seeing. They don’t have the instincts of roaches—the kitchen light is fully blazing away and they stand in it unable to process anything.
Misleading article. Trump’s been trying to cut funding for anti-corruption because he’s making it more efficient by giving each affected country a targeted list of people for them to investigate.
That way they don’t have to expend resources hunting down other crooks in their countries who may not have anything to do with the trumps.
24. Alexei Ivanov: Real creep. “Donated” $400,000 to the Trump Org for me in 2008 and now he wants a return on his “investment.”
25. Pytor Illyvich: Loser. Visited Mar-a-Lago as a guest and wouldn’t say Melania was the hottest.
I think you’ve got me confused with some other sparrowhawk. Last I checked, I didn’t have a spouse. And of course, it’s not in a safe, it’s on an encrypted harddrive that’s never been connected to the Internet.