I suspect he will approach Biden’s mic, push him aside, and autoblast ad hominems. Also, I suspect that Trump will get VERY ugly w/r/t to both Hunter and his deceased son…I hope Joe’s prep involved such crass insults, because normal human rage will surely manifest.
For how the Drumpf camp rationalizes Shitgibbon’s throwing balls of feces about : “Barf me with a spoon.”
‘Counterpuncher’ my ass: the man serially violates agreed upon standards of conduct to seek advantage or at whim. He does it aggressively and is abusive: it’s his go to in pursuit of domination.
My capacity to tolerate outrage has been overloaded for more than three years. I refuse to add insult to that injury by exposing myself to him, and it, tonight.
God bless those of you with more ability to tolerate his excesses than myself: I appreciate your willingness to share about it here.
That’s clearly the strategy, insofar as you can use that term with Trump. It will be like having a heckler when you’re trying to give a talk. Others can’t quite hear what the heckler is saying but it can be distracting to the speaker.
And they fixed it by changing the password to kag2020!
Moderator should award Biden every second of Trump interruption time for follow ups.
Ten to one he leaves his podium and goes over to Joe*s and shouts over his shoulder. A riff on his stalking Hillary.
The only way this makes sense is either sound-proof booths or separate rooms. Otherwise, you can bet BLOTUS will cheat on this just like on everything else.
Which then means he blows out a vocal chord, and then peace will reign again in the valley.
Underground bunker?
And then Jill flies up on stage and tackles him.
I’m good with this.
Just like “musicians” who yell and scream the lyrics simply because they can’t sing. The Turnip yells and screams because he has zero to offer other than misogyny and racism. Therefore, I expect zero but yelling and screaming if the mute is used, I expect he will get even louder, may even try to invade Biden’s or the Moderator’s space screaming, spitting, sputtering all the way. Then try to blame anyone and everyone when comments, commentators, Twitter et al call him out.
They should put them is separate rooms or separate buildings. Barring that, bring back the plexiglass screen; otherwise Biden’s suit will be soaked with Trump’s spittle by the end of the event.
If he moves from the podium, it should be game over.
What people often forget about the Hillary-stalking incident was that it was the town hall style debate, and they weren’t at podiums. It didn’t have that structure to it. She was sitting talking to the audience, and he was pacing around the debate stage–I always thought it was so that he would always be on camera even more than trying to intimidate her.
“Yell” is such a harsh word. He’ll just … raise his voice.
Seriously. Jill has no fear. I’d place money on her.
How wonderful to know we are going to have the “who gives a fuck” shrugging “I have two little boys” First Escort replaced by “you touch my family, you have me to deal with sucka” Dr. Biden.
It seems impossible for Jabba the Trump to refrain from bloviating.
(A nice term for the bile that sprays from his mouth.)
He already rejected that and quit on debate 2. Different locations mean dear leader is not in rant and stalk range. He’ll march over to the open mic and rant. Because that’s who he is. Another way to win those suburban housewives. And any other rational voter. Con. Man. BYE Don!
It was probably both…
Because he wont. He can’t. Just like flies can’t resist the shit.
Will be glad to be rid of gidley. Looking forward to seeing normal people as spokespeople again. That goes for the whole infested nest of trumpeteers.
12 days.
He needs a padded room.