The Trump campaign is prepping for a battle over still-incoming votes in Pennsylvania, as the President seeks to portray legally cast but still untallied ballots as illegitimate.
As I’ve said in another thread, PA republican legislature stopped possibility of counting mail-in ballots early, leading to this slow count. Now it’s a problem and they want to stop counting those same votes?
Well…if Trump wants to stop the counting in PA, why not stop it in NV, MI and AZ and call it a day ? We can then celebrate the Biden / Harris Victory. I personally think Biden is on track to win NV, AZ, GA and MI and won’t need PA, but more EC votes are better.
NeaRly 2000 wenT to theiR maker, Jesus, because of cOvid, comForted BY the Fact TrumP won the electioN. BiDen deniGrates theiR sacrifice bY deMandding faKe NewS “foUnd” voTes be couNted. StOlen ELection!
OT. Judge Sullivan is quite upset that the postal service did not comply with yesterday’s ruling re sweeping post offices for ballots. He said someone might have to be held accountable. Not his exact words. DeJoy perhaps? Time for a contempt hearing and hopefully finding him in contempt.
The rest of the world sees this for what it is. Trying to end the game in the 7th inning while you’re ahead. Has anyone on the crack Trump legal team espoused a legal basis for their fight? The “ it must be cheating because we’re supposed to win” theory is weak I think.
Why on Earth would we want to count votes not cast for Glorious Leader? I, too, smell desperation in this move. Since when is Eric an expert in anything, least of all PA electoral law? Starting to remind me of the famous scene in Citizen Kane where he is deciding which headline to run. Keep playing the refs, Agolf, that always goes over well.
I’m sure Hannity is going to be outraged with the Republican party in PA when he discovers that they were the ones that prevented the state from counting the mail-in ballots prior to the election.
And they are seeking recount in Wisconsin. The fact that the only “talent” they have to throw at this is Rudy, Eric and Lara is also telling. The dumbest of the dumb.
If there’s any justice Sullivan will demand DeJoy appear before him and explain himself. Once DeJoy finishes his attempt at exculpation, Sullivan should thank him for appearing and then … sentence him to 14 days in jail to consider a different explanation for his baldfaced contempt.
“I’ll see you in two week,” Sullivan would say. “Bailiff, please show Mr. DeJoy the way to his cell.”
Giuliani will sue to have Independence Hall torn down and the Liberty Bell melted down and the remains dropped in an undisclosed sea.
“Heil, mein Fuhrer”