Trump Camp Claims There Is ‘No Medical Reason’ For Virtual Debate | Talking Points Memo

Can listen to those clips over and over and over…

And he thinks he’s ready for a rally Saturday?

Great, Mr. President! Let’s do two, back to back, to make up for lost time! Get back on the trail, spend the long hours out there!

None of that can possibly interfere with your chances of recovery.


But he won’t allow independent virus testing on himself.

That needs to be the rule that is strictly enforced. None of this nonsense anymore. If he hasn’t been infected, then it’s all a ruse and he gets caught lying; if he is infected, he’s now responsible for dozens of infections in the WH along with whomever showed up at Bedminster last week. Anyone else would be arrested for terrorism (which is the penalty if one is knowingly infected and coughs on someone without a mask).

It’s time to call this out once and for all. Someone needs to stand in the breach and get a definitive answer out of this before another day goes by.


But his doctor has knowingly lied and/or been forced to lie about so much, I wouldn’t take his word for the sun being out without first looking out a window.

No. Participation is contingent on independent testing before he can be anywhere near any sentient being. If he wants to hold a rally with his minions, I’m all for it. But regular, normal people, no way.


And probably a third of ballots have already been cast.

I saw some D-lister wingnut pundit on Twitter saying that as far as fatality rates per age range go, you should put Trump in the 20-49 group because he’s so immensely strong. :smile:


For any who haven’t seen it yet…


My friend who was infected in March couldn’t walk a mile in 20 minutes for about two months.

This nincompoop isn’t even out of the window yet and he thinks he’s gonna hold a rally? Are they gonna teleport him in, ala the 1960s Star Trek? I can’t believe he would leave himself open to worse optics than the West Point ramp visual, but that will be the case if he tries to do this or the debate.

He’s self-destructing.


Trump handles Covid tests the way he handled the SATs.


The last figures I heard had about 5>7 million ballots nationwide submitted either mail-in or absentee (essentially the same thing). There were approximately 130 million votes cast for President in 2016, so the percentage currently submitted is a small fraction of the likely final total that will be cast.

From two days ago:


…the trajectory of the advanced diagnostics the team has been conducting…

Let me translate that into English for you all. “We had him take a shit in a bed pan and looked at its color and consistency.”

But seriously, Dr. Conley, why do you expect us to believe you about anything when you won’t even tell us when his last negative SARS-CoV-2 test result was, and what test was used to obtain the result?


Donnie, Mitch McConnell who normally has his tongue deep in your asshole won’t get anywhere near you so why would anyone else?


I’m totally fine with it. Some good outdoor rallies on a nice, cool, breezy fall day with no hat or heavy coat… Really would do wonders!


won’t say if he’s tested negative

“We’ll see.”

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Mrs Strad and I will be running ours down to the Hamilton County Board of Elections tomorrow. (Fuck you very much, Secretary Frank LaRose for allowing only a single drop box per county.)


90% of the White House testing positive say What?

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Because he’s mostly told the truth. You just have to read between the lines, since he’s not allowed to say it openly.

So, “patient reports no symptoms” means Patient has symptoms, for example.

He really is communicating much better than people give him credit for.


There’s a lotta horse dung in this genius stable.

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Guess he’s planning an infectious repeat of the Clinton-stalking he did at the 2016 townhall.


Absolutely, nothing good can come with treating this temper tantrum child with anything but contempt.


Trump’s entourage is also a hazard. Mother Pence is an example of their unreliability.