The President awarded a no bid contract to himself and would have taken tax payer dollars to shore up his own failing property. Also, it shines a light on how very involved he is in the day-to-day management of the Trump Org. It is corruption and easy for a whole lot of voters to understand.
I was told that he would win here.
The recalcitrant 40%.
What?! Surely you jest! Why, the prospect of spending hours in the 100°+ heat of South Fla. in June amidst the plethora of mosquito species that are known to flock to the area at that time of year - why wouldn’t sane, rational, wealthy people want to spend their precious time and money in a bed bug infested, overpriced, has-been loser, no longer relevant golf resort?!
Let’s just rename the Oval Office the Projection Booth.
Also said by Trump, if you’re rich it does not matter. The rules do not apply to Donald Trump out of his own mouth.
That’s becca656, not Shirley.
And she’s not jesting. Don’t forget to add that Doral is in the flight path of Miami International Airport.
Tulsi welcomes support from all parties (and also the Kremlin if you’re listening, Vlad.)
Corvax deviationism sometimes lead to sharing info on the location of food sources. But we usually peck out the eyes of these loathsome splittists.
“Trump calls out Romney by Name”
Haha, which name?
Psst…Hey DJT: We do TOO have Romney in our midst.
We were told he would win everywhere, all the time.
You know, Donald, your party used to stick together through thick and then. Then something happened, something noxious and indefensible and ghastly and orange. Now they don’t. Weird.
Anyone bothering to offer odds on that?
from the FT, Sunday:
As for Russia, Krastev and Holmes write in one memorable sentence that the post-communist political elite in Moscow “found faking democracy perfectly natural, since they had been faking communism for at least two decades before 1991”.
Not if she’s sufficiently deferential.
Which, from what I’ve seen, she is. I wouldn’t be surprised, once Spanky learns what her maiden name was, if she doesn’t get some favorable comparisons with her traitorous uncle.
Promises broken by a POTUS who does not give a shit about anything but himself. Their blood is on him.
The Kurds had a chance to book rooms at a Trump Bed & Bedbug, same as everyone else.
So really, they were basically asking for it.