Trump Blames ‘Airports’ Gaffe On A Teleprompter Blackout

So… if he doesn’t have a TelePrompTer… Trump thinks the War for Independence, the War of 1812, and Airports all happened at the same time. There needs to be a new tabulated category for Morons, not just Pinocchios.


Well, it’s dementia that is further advanced.


Seiously? How much could a double wide trailer filled with old playboy magazines really cost?


Fair enough – but that’s on Republicans.

Whereas I really could not care less how Mrs. Trump dresses. It’s her choice and I don’t really notice, never mind feeling any need to comment on it.

What’s more, this particular criticism of how she dressed yesterday makes a few assumptions too many – and no, I will not bother to elaborate.



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Billions and billions. They have special autographs.

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Bull phucky, it is because he can’t read. And since he can’t he has people like Hope who work with him to memorize. Problem is if 5 minutes he can remember if longer then one takes a chance that he remembers correctly. When he forgets it becomes a sounds good, sounds right, I’ll wing it…and bingo bull cap comes out.

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Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

Well, he does have one of the best memories ever. So, the reference to airports was clearly in the speech that he memorized.

But, how does a person who really can’t read well memorize a written speech?

And why would a stable genius say something so utterly untrue and ridiculous?


  1. He probably hadn’t read the speech before that day and certainly hadn’t memorized it nor did he know it very well.
  2. The reference to airports wasn’t in the speech … he misread or riffed it.
  3. He’s a fucking liar.
  4. He’s a fucking moron.
  5. He’s an embarrassment to the office of president and to the country.

You seem … a little needy.


For full credit:

  1. All of the above.

If this incoherent series of lies about the failure of a teleprompter that he totally did not need
even though he had a bad feeling about losing the teleprompter in front of millions of people (who mostly weren’t there) because he knew the speech very well somehow explains him saying the Continental Army took over airports, well, I’m having trouble keeping up.


This is what she told us.


To be fair, so did Ronald Reagan.


Well, because, you know, they didn’t have deodorant during the Revolutionary War. Or the Civil War, either.

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Well, to be fair, they couldn’t ram the ramparts until after they armed the armpits.


I may be unusual in this respect, but I have spoken at least millions of lines of speech in my life, got through every one of them without the need for a teleprompter, and still managed to never say that we had airports back in 1776. This is despite the fact that I regularly play Civilization VI, and quite often have airports by 1776 (Because I am that good. Okay, I just play at King level, so I’m not really that good.), so it would be understandable if I sometimes confused game play and real life. I suspect that Trump does not play Civ6, so what is he confusing with real life?


Why me? Did I mention Mel’s outfit?

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Obviously you did not, but I thought there might be another reason.

My mistake, also obviously.

And you’re doing better than I am.

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Dobbs…another Chickenhawk…

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