Trump Begins Compiling Administration, As MAGA Loyalists Line Up For Jobs

So tempting. Every hour we could delay their plans is to the good.

Plus I’d love to see Trump knocking on the White House door with no one there to open it for him.


Kate is, once again, spot on about the deficiencies of the Democratic Party and, specifically the Biden Admin about not using the media and media technologies as extensive as it should be used. It also points to the fact that there is so much information the Biden admin could have easily disseminated in educating the public (and way before the 2024 campaigns began (i.e.: the shitty Trump economy inherited by the Biden Admin coupled with the Global COVID economy)). Using the technology to reach those critical areas to boost factual knowledge above GOP/Russian propaganda.


Gouliani is no longer a lawyer.


Someone needs to dust off that famous Trump admin staff conveyor belt cartoon that was so popular from 2017-2020.


Ken Paxton.




And maybe my old friend Angela would get the interim AG appointment from Abbott again.


Lets face it though, objective truth is a loser in presidential politics. I can’t think of one president who was elected in the modern era because of championing objective truths or a brilliant idea. And if you can find one, I would argue, it’s probably an illusion.

Free pizza will beat a positive report on the economy every time.


Ho. Lee. Shit!?! :flushed:

Nick Fuentes and some other Trump-adjacent right-wingers have been circulating the phrase “your body my choice” on social media. Some women are reporting upticks in online abuse since the race was called for Trump.

Salon’s Amanda Marcotte put this well when she noted the number of men gleeful about Republicans’ “bringing women to heel.”


Holy shit! I hadn’t seen until now that she lost Michigan too. He won every state he won in 2016 and added Nevada. How embarrassing. Unreal.


Just read that Don Jr. will be involved in choosing who will be in the administration of dread.

“I want to make sure now that we know who the real players are, the people who will actually deliver on the president’s message, the people who don’t think that they know better than the duly elected president of the United States.”

~ Jr.


Once, there were no kings. Things went well.


Yes and where are all the “so called” Christian and other faith leaders? Not the Catholics, they have no standing is this area but others. Why is there no condemnation for this violent misogynistic language?


How about this from Teen Vogue of all places:


Welcome to “Kakistocracy”

" a government run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens."

“What fills me with doubt and dismay is the degradation of the moral tone. Is it or is it not a result of Democracy? Is ours a ‘government of the people by the people for the people,’ or a Kakistocracy rather, for the benefit of knaves at the cost of fools?”[9]

Kakistocracy - Wikipedia.



One day I will wake, fire up the phone and read that trump had a fatal coronary event brought on by mistakenly swallowing a small chicken bone. It will be a good day.


Even the French knew enough to band together to keep Marie LePen from becoming president.


This. All this entrail-reading over why Harris did not win is a bit much for me, honestly. Politics is not science and it’s not that complicated. 90% of the Electorate is NOT engaged - not by the campaigns or the MSM or the social media or any of it. Harris probably lost because the impulse for a lot of the unengaged was either “not interested” or “throw the buns out”.

Harris lost because over 10M of Biden’s 2020 base simply did NOT show up - and NOT because they switched to Trump. In aggregate, no one switched to Trump - he got the same amount of votes in 2024 he got in 2020. The geographic and demographic distributions changed a tiny bit, but not enough to change the outcome.

It could also be as simple as many of these people were unaware that Biden dropped out of the race and had no idea who Harris was so they left the top of the ballot blank. If you don’t think this is possible, you haven’t heard what Rachel Bitecofer has found in her focus groups.

Most of America is profoundly ignorant of politics and uninterested in learning about it. It takes a real phenomenon like Trump or Obama or COVID-19 to get their attention.

Harris simply did not have enough time to get a large chunk of Biden’s 2020 base off the couch. Maybe more time would have helped, or maybe these folks just did not want a black woman President.

For those that WERE paying attention, Harris ran a superb campaign, but in 2024, that may not be enough.

Harris could not resist a desire for change that has swept every democracy in the western world, OR the profound sense of apathy about politics in general that prevails in our country. Trump, on the other hand, has a cult
that shows up every four years for his big parties. Fortunately, he has run his last race and has NO obvious successor(s) with either his charisma or lizard brain / ID.


The duly elected president-elect is a fucking moron.