There are also the actual appeals, but the motions to stay are crucial. If Trump can’t get the stay, the House gets the docs.
I hope the judge treats the “no legislative purpose” argument as strip-mall lawyering. The legislature was literally attacked by a mob whose purpose was to stop the legislature from carrying out its explicit constitutional purpose. If “investigating an attempt to destroy the legislature” is not a legitimate legislative purpose, nothing is.
I am disappointed to report that Falafel Shop Guy is not handling the argument. He’s on the call, but former Trump campaign nobody Justin Clark is telling everyone how momentous this case is and how it will affect literally generations.
I’m with you.
Lots of doomsplainin’ in here. Reality is that this will be definitively over by January. DC Circuit is firmly in the hands of the sanity caucus, and SCOTUS doesn’t have any interest in carrying TFG’s water now that he’s TFG. Get a grip, doomsplainers.
THIS IS AN OUTRAGE! Where can we file an appeal of this grotesque miscarriage of justice? We are entitled to hear the appropriate arguments being made by a recognized expert in flat breads.
First JFK Jr. didn’t show up, and now THIS. I demand my money back!
I read yesterday where someone commented META stands for Make Everything Trump Again.
Not sure I get that but it makes as much sense as anything else.
Those two judges should channel Steve Martin and say, “Well, recuuuse me!”
Not gonna happen.
And just how long is it going to take for the Supremes to actually get around to ruling? Let alone last time they ruled against him, they still let it get kicked back down for almost a total re-do.
We can all hope for that, but he would still contest the release even if there is nothing incriminating there at all. So I’m not getting my hopes up too far. He doesn’t like the idea of anyone having access just on principle. The fact that he’s hired a cheap no-reputation lawyer might be an indication that there’s nothing really damning there.
The only ruling that matters from SCOTUS is the emergency motion to stay. They don’t grant it, the House gets the docs. And they really won’t give a shit about carrying TFG’s water on this. Ain’t gonna happen.
If, and ONLY if, the Supremes grant an emergency stay, if that’s even a thing they’d be able to do, the issue will be moot long before they can put it on their schedule. Absent an order to prevent it, the documents are going to the committee. And I don’t believe the DC District is going to grant a stay, or even hear an appeal.
The Judge with a bit of a burn.
“Would you agree that the plaintiff is no longer a sitting president somewhat diminishes the applicability of the argument?”
FWIW, Chutkan is having none of Clark’s bullshit.
(Note, this is former Trump campaign nobody Justin Clark, not former DOJ insurrection conspirator Jeff Clark.)
The GOP can’t kill the 1/6 committee. The chairman has said they will wrap up and release a report next Spring. They’re not stupid.
Schiff seemed to be confident on interview, recently.
Then can we skip the theatrics and just make a beeline to them, jump the middlemen who are just eating up time on things that’ll be appealed regardless…
The court of appeals is obligated to hear a validly-noticed appeal. The stay is discretionary. And if the denial of the stay makes the appeal moot, well, there you have it.
This is one of the first Jan 6 Insurrection judges who is serious about the crimes, and the criminals of that day. Here’s a capsule of her work so far:
The sentencing before US District Judge Tanya Chutkan marked the first time that any judge presiding over the hundreds of Jan. 6 prosecutions in Washington, DC, handed down a sentence that was harsher than what the government asked for. Chutkan noted that Mazzocco had already been allowed to go home and be with his family in the months since his arrest in mid-January and said his punishment had to be more severe.
BTW, I like falafels.
Nope. The law explicitly names the DC District Court as the venue. Full stop. I mean, Trump can request that it be heard in Palm Beach Municipal court, there’s no good way to stop him, but that court lacks jurisdiction, so it hardly matters if, or what, that court might rule.