What the Chuck Todd’s of the world will quote when it’s time to rehabilitate the Republican Party are books like this. They will ignore the enablement that went on for years. And instead paint these behind the scenes comments as profiles in courage.
Who is going to buy this weasel’s book?
Such heros.
I want the interviewers on his book tour to ask him why it took so long for him to speak up. He’s been out of Congress for a while now. Why didn’t he try to set things right and call in his Rep buddies in Congress months ago, much less when he was in Congress? I guess he wanted to wait until the book was out so he could make money off his ‘bravery’ in finally admitting the truth.
Yep, all the perks of the office he’s entitled to. But for the others to have healthcare not so much. They are so blind to all their hypocrisy.
Fellow weasels, of course.
Here we go. Nothing more than a reputation salvage attempt in a book. Except the same from Flake soon. All of these people just need to stay gone but their egos and greed prevent them from leaving.
Lover spats. How sweet. May they both win.
So … other than the racism, the misogyny, the hatemongering, the stupidity, the cheating, the criminality, the bullying and the lying, you’re fine with Trump and will support his reelect? Thanks for being obvious, Ryan, you remain the Republican Jungian archetype: the Hypocrite.
Don’t cheat on your wife but it is okay to cheat “We the People” out of our rights.
So, unless they’re both wrong, Trump and Ryan confirm that Republicans can’t lead.
It’s useful to consider what that debate would be like within Ryan’s circle: surely it’s happened.
This guy: We should have done this while he was Speaker.
That guy: He didn’t. Now what?
This guy: We start with maybe 10% of the R primary vote, but we’d never get that far.
That guy: Paul would last until March, anyway. He wouldn’t have to WIN any primary – LBJ won New Hampshire in '68, remember?
This guy: It’s the economy, stooooopid. If Paul runs and then the economy cracks, Trump will blame it on him and run the table. Paul won’t get 5%.
That guy: Only after February. If Paul announces now and the economy starts to crack before any voting happens, the economy becomes our issue…
This guy: A Paul Ryan candidacy would divide Republicans and give the Presidency – maybe even the Senate – to Democrats.
That guy: Of course he will lose the nomination. And then Trump could lose the election. But then comes 2024…
The great “policy wonk” and the “great dealmaker” are both geniuses in their own minds.
I can’t disagree with any of your criticisms of Paul Ryan. Hardly a candidate for a Profile in Courage. But…whenever Republicans start criticizing the Ochre Ogre, things are looking up. He can’t let it go, so he’ll attack, as he does here. The more he spreads his chaos within his own party, the better. Given the bad news cycles he’s been having, he’s likely weakened, and when some of the other spineless wonders in the GOP realize this, perhaps there will be more defections. That’s my hope, anyway.
And is it just me, or does anyone else have trouble reading his tweets without hearing Stephen Colbert?
In the matter of Spineless Asshole Ryan and Petulant Asshole Trump, the court is in session.
Interesting question.
I suspect Ryan has always known that he’s an impostor.
Trump bellows that he’s a stable genius but his insecurity is palpable.
Stay away Ryan.
Never liked Ryan … probably never will … but let’s stay in the present and focus on the number one priority - the clear and present eminent peril inthe White House - - and how to excise the malignant bastard and his associated toxicity.
Is Ryan an idiot? - yes … but at the same time, if he makes scathing statements about Trump’s ignorance, incompetence, and insanity … then Ryan can be a useful idiot … whenever Trump can get sucked into a time wasting name calling hissy fit with an expired Republican figure it dilutes a bit of the glue that holds the remaining moderates to Trump… when ever a former Republican speaker of the house comes out and basically says that the Republican President who is running for reelection. is a mean spirited addlle-brained simpleton … some people will pause and take note… and for some it may make the difference. The best outcome is the outright vanquishing of Trump and virtually anything that dilutes his strength/ diffuses his focus and further verifies Trump’s utter incompetence - is a net positive toward that goal.
Well, he’s certainly got plenty of experience in that department.