Nope. It would have had to be the rapid one, which is far less accurate. But since he didn’t take one, the accuracy rate is irrelevant.
But there’s close to a ninety percent chance that they’re lying. It’s kind of like reverse psychology.
He made a very powerful statement. The pandemic is the only voter issue.
And not acceptable for quarantine-free travel to Hawaii. Just saying…
or ON the weeds
Not a pivot but falsely treated as one yeah
jacking off to a family photo album,
Pearl necklace for the whole family? That’s new.
And Trump has no plan, beyond a marketing blitz to take credit for a vaccine.
So is the mute button for Trump connected to a shock collar around his fat neck, and if not, why not?
Ewww…that was a stroke too far.
And what is the drinking word (or noise)?
I always did like ZZ Top, though Rudes is clearly past this side of deranged.
“Hunter” and “Laptop”
Please tell me that’s a send up.
Or if it isn’t… Just wow. He needs the men in white coats to come and take him away.
Trump’s voice.
Maybe he’ll stroke out. Just sayin’
PCR test requires some fancy lab equipment. The rapid test does not.