Apparently they gave their complete supply of blank pages to Lesley Stahl so it’s a good thing Trump has all his lies memorized.
So, yes, I’m a god. Thank you and good night.
Good…make him eat the blame Joe
And the body of this is not unclear you stupid discobot nit.
I’m sorry for your loss. So many of us. And it didn’t have to be this bad
I e got Goggles on my BINGO card
The same ones who say he’s immune.
I’m so happy there’s a ventilator for me.
Q: How would you lead the country under the coronavirus, specifically.
A: China! Spikes and surges are gone, vaccine is here, I kicked its ass, I’m immune. Angela Merkel thinks I’m doing great. We’re sending supplies to the rest of the world.
Joe: Anyone responsible for 220,000 dead Americans should not be president any more.
Biden leads with 220,000 Americans dead, good lead. “Anyone responsible for that many deaths shouldn’t be in charge of leading the USA.”
As long as Biden answers every Trump attempted smear with “here’s a guy with a secret Chinese bank account spreading propaganda for Russian intelligence,” he will run away with the debate again. Trump’s head will explode.
Joe is sounding and looking strong!! Go, Joe!
For whoever loads him up with meds, it must be a major case of whack-a-mole.
So, PBS is not showing Trump while Biden talks…if Trump starts yelling during the part where he’s muted we won’t know unless Biden’s mic picks it up or Biden reacts.
This is actually better for Trump, it makes it look like he’s listening politely…but, I suspect that he will come unglued during the part where both mics are on and we’ll get the last debate.
Biden is tearing him a new one and answering the question correctly. Pretty good answer.
“Who’s they?” I yelled. My husband jumped.
Oh Oh Trump head up and tilted. Joe is getting him already.
Other countries: “More than twice as many people dead because of your incompetence, gross negligence, and active promotion of unsafe practices. Fantastic work! How do you do it, man?”
Weeks or end of the year. Which one fuckstick?
I’m so very sorry.