TPMDC Morning Roundup | Talking Points Memo

Dems Shaping Battle Plan Against Republicans For November The Washington Post reports: “Architects of President Obama’s 2008 victory are braced for potentially sizable Democratic losses in November’s midterm elections. But they say voters’ unease about a GOP takeover will help their party maintain congressional majorities. ‘I think the prospect of a Republican takeover — while not likely, but plausible — will be very much part of the dynamic in October, and I think that will help us with turnout and some of this enthusiasm gap,’ said David Plouffe, who was Obama’s campaign manager two years ago and is helping to oversee Democratic efforts this fall. Still, he put all Democrats on notice, saying: ‘We’d better act as a party as if the House and the Senate and every major governor’s race is at stake and in danger, because they could be.'”

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