TPMDC Morning Roundup | Talking Points Memo

White House to Unveil More Restrictive Nuke Policy The Obama administration is set to unveil a new policy on nuclear weapons, which narrow the circumstances under which the United States would use such weapons. The Associated Press reports: “The U.S. officials said the administration’s new policy would stop short of declaring that the United States would never be the first to launch a nuclear attack, as many arms control advocates had recommended. But it would describe the weapons’ purpose as ‘primarily’ or ‘fundamentally’ to deter or respond to a nuclear attack. The officials said the document would say it is a U.S. goal to move toward a policy in which the ‘sole purpose’ of nuclear weapons is to deter or respond to nuclear attack. That wording would all but rule out the use of such weapons to respond to an attack by conventional, biological or chemical weapons. Previous U.S. policy was more ambiguous.”

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