So, you’re saying Maya Angelou was correct when she wrote “When people show you who they are, believe them the first time.”?
So, you’re saying Maya Angelou was correct when she wrote “When people show you who they are, believe them the first time.”?
This map is a reminder that we need to work harder in Texas and NC. They are flippable. I’ve given up on Florida. All those states in the center of the country don’t have many electoral college votes. Fuck em.
Ah, I must’ve skimmed it too quickly then. Wonder if he got himself eaten by a gator lol
give us dirty Laundrie.
The only thing that’s going to happen in TX is the rednecks flipping out. If TX shows any signs of truly going blue…well, I can think of few things that would trigger into a violent tizzy more than that…other than maybe another black person being elected POTUS.
Flat out cruelty to block the right to vote. That is what the filibuster does. The House doesn’t need it. Why the Senate?
I understand they found a body in a nature preserve not far from his parents house along with a backpack and a notebook that belonged to him.
Hard to tell who it might be after a couple months moldering without DNA.
Republicans actually don’t need to kill the filibuster, the things they want to do (judges and tax cuts) they can do through reconciliation. They are letting the Republicans on the Supreme Court kill abortion rights, affirmative action, and put Christianity in place as the nation’s religion. There’s not a lot of benefit for them to get rid of the filibuster, at least for now…it’s possible that they decide to act more directly and kill the filibuster when they have a reason. Though, they will probably just do a carve out, like McConnell did with SC justices.
The filibuster stops Congress from making progress for the American people, it’s the ideal tool for people who want to keep the status quo. Manchin and Sinema really need to get off the fence and agree to something that will allow voting rights legislation to go through…without it Republicans will be able to rule the nation as a minority party, even without the cheating they are planning to do.
So, what is wrong with this picture? When has Manchin ever followed through on what he promised? When do the Dems decide to cut him (and Sinema) off?
I hope no one still harbors any illusions of bipartisan anything. The Democrats have now done their due diligence and they should pull out every stop they can think of to deal with this. If that means calling out Sinema and Manchin by name and publicly, on a national level, blaming them for the whole mess, then so be it. Let them have it, and keep on doing it at every opportunity. Make sure that their recalcitrance in this does NOT benefit them politically, but rather achieves the opposite.
And how many Republicans would vote against what Mitch would/will do?
Steampunk is a popular comic genre. Thus usual premise is how incredibly advanced technologies might have existed in the 1800s. Manchin has opened my eyes to a new twist: Retro Steampunk, the return to a coal-based economy, just when we thought is had been relegated it to industrializing developing countries like China and India. What will Manchin’s Steampunk America look like?
Sinema doesn’t give a fuck, and Joe’s constituents probably agree with him, so…
Except she does exactly what she pleases, including being an intern at a winery, training for and running marathons and half marathons, traveling to Europe. Anything but her actual job unless she wants to put on a hideous dress and strut her fourteen year old maturity to vote a thumbs down with both hands.
No argument. All of these are the clearest tell that we are stuck with her until 2024, and then she goes to Fox or OAN.
Still need that razor-thin majority. We’ll get her AFTER.
Nah, he couldn’t win the nomination for dogcatcher in Greater Little Podunkville if he were a Republican: once the GQP stopped crowing over the flip, they’d pillory him as a RINO. His political career would end rather abruptly.
I have no idea about their relationship to their constituents, but I will hazard a guess that WVa Dems vote for Manchin not because they all agree with him, but because he’s an electable Dem. Polling for the projects Biden proposes polls high in WVa, so why is Joe so hell bent on making these proposals dead in the water, or cut down in size.
I just wonder why Sinema and Manchin don’t believe the measures proposed will do what they expected to do?
I really don’t want to live in a “fantasy world.” Do you? I didn’t think so.