Three Hours Threw North Carolina Senate Race Into Disarray

But but but


And that goes for Justice nominations as well. We only need to hear the voters’ voice when the president is a Democrat.

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“I have hurt my family, disappointed my friends, and am deeply sorry,” he said.

“I have also creeped out my kids with unerasable images so nauseating their mental trauma will likely never fully heal,” he added.

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:flushed: Never mind…


Only because he used a government cell phone, so it’s all government records and property.

Either someone shared screenshots with someone else, or something more nefarious is at play here.


Who’s Joy?

Oh well, so long as everyone’s cool with it.


The important part to emphasize is that they are both adults, and, well, who effing cares what adults do wrt sex? Jeebus, can we please grow up American’s?

Nobody’s getting abused or taken advantage of, I mean, maybe they’re serious and his marriage is on the rocks already, maybe he and his wife are not in love any longer, maybe he’s just acknowledging the sexy undertones in their relationship and their previous bantering and working together has gone further than expected? Maybe he’s just trying to get some action while he can, who knows, and who cares. Other than his family.

The problem with the GOP is that they go around preaching holier than thou, and do the same shit, or, worse, like Trump, they become sexual predators. Has Cunningham been acting like that? I don’t know, but I would guess not. Compare this sexting to Gingrich serving divorce papers to his current wife while she was in the hospital for cancer, or was that Giuliani that did that?

Yeah, it would be better to keep it zipped until after the election, frankly he shouldn’t have time for anything else but maybe that’s all this is, venting since he doesn’t have time for anything else.

Go Cal, go!!!




I don’t see many people voting for Biden and not also voting D for senator as well.


Something tells me that in the future we are bound to get firsthand psychological damage accounts from one or two of the children being raised in this household.


Given where the text showed up and when, nefarious would be the better bet.


There will be some here in NC.

For me, the Down Ballot choices are because Trump just might win again and current Congress (specifically Senate) are not interested maintaining their Legislative Bona Fides.


As in when they go on a shooting rampage, and teary-eyed Amy talks to a sympathetic fox interviewer about how she had no idea where and how they went astray.


Exactly. I’d like to know more, and see more of that question being asked.

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Yeah, mobile phones ruined marital infidelity. I known a few guys that got busted because of their text messages. In the good ole days before the mobile phones you could always tell the wife that you were going to do a hardware upgrade at a customer site that was going to take all weekend. Not that I ever did such a thing.


On one hand, I would like that being looked into, on the other i want as little press coverage of this as possible.


I want it looked into, because if this ends up being a dirty campaign thing (likely), that can change coverage immensely.

If that gets discovered sure, but until then less is best.


Reminds me a lot of the email drop, that happened right after the access hollywood tapes. Though in this case the news coverage of covid far outweighed text talking about kissing.


Mark Sanford finished out his term as Governor and then later ran for Tim Scott’s House seat. He served for six years in the House. Didn’t ruin him.


Even Jeff Bezos was busted via phone texts.Rumor has it that the girlfriend’s brother was the culprit who exposed the photos and texts. I think the divorce cost him 50 billion.