This Year, Nearly Everyone’s On The Same Page: GOP Gets To Work Early To Delegitimize Election

  1. If one and two don’t work-stamp your feet and hold your breath.

Apparently Roberts and other justices did not listen to Crosby, Stills and Nash when they sang of teaching the children.


The Republican party is morally bankrupt.

I sound like some bible-banger, and I can’t believe we are here.


…. with any luck until you turn blue (so to speak.)


We should probably expect some bs like the last minute Comey announcement in 2016. And expect the NYT and Post to blow it up.


I thought the actual vote counting was done at the voting precinct level. Those numbers are then summed and typically reported at county and state levels. At what level in the hierarchy are these “local superintendents of elections”?

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In Georgia, the ballots are all taken to a single location in each county where the local superintendent of elections conducts the count and certifies the results to the SOS. That’s why Shaye Moss and Ruby Freeman were processing ballots at State Farm Arena, not at the local precinct level.

Every state is different.


It’s funny that you mention Roberts destroying the preclearance provision. I have been thinking about that, too, and the conclusion I came to is that every state ought to require preclearance, not just the ones that leaned into Jim Crow. SCOTUS found the list of southern states to be a repugnant affront to the “dignity” of those states, so they struck the preclearance requirement.

The honest way to square that circle would be to recognize that all voters have a right to stable election laws, and so all states should be held to that higher standard. It’s not an affront to anybody if the rule for every state is caution and scrutiny.

But John Roberts’ goal has been to bend every part of government to private money. If private money wasn’t in that part of government yet, he invited it in and gave it the keys. So the “affront” SCOTUS claimed to be remedying was really just concern-trolling to justify weakening democracy for a killing blow. (So much of our democracy has been sacrificed on the altar of some rich individual’s “dignity.”)

Mitch McConnell is exactly the same: make all things bend to private money.

Now we have more billionaires and less democracy than ever. Even Taylor Swift – a mere musician – is a billionaire. That’s what I call a policy failure. And billionaires tend to be evil – more Musk than Swift – so the only safe future is one with zero billionaires.


If the Republicans have a way to cheat, you can be sure they will. I do worry about all the MAGAts at the local level in charge of administering elections as well the insecurity of the voting systems. With everyone on the left (rigthly) screaming that this talk of vote manipulation by republicans is non-sense, it might make any true voting irregularities difficult to defend against.

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And no matter what, John Roberts et al. will continue to oppose any transparency or public monies for the welfare of the public. There is no viable way to stop them, as far as I can see. They also don’t seem to care if they are loathed - at least Trump pretends that he’s ‘joking’ if something backfires with his base.


You mean the entire Republican Party is goose-stepping in their jihad against, well, America?

Hard to believe.


From Josh’s latest Ed Blog–

'Because Trump winning is a very real possibility and the consequences of such a catastrophe are profound. It’s good to feel like you’re running as the underdog because it makes you hungry and smart rather than trying, defensively, to sit on a lead. ’

Regardless of how we interpret the tea leaves during this run up to Election Day-- every one of us has to act as if it’s close, or we’re behind.

Make sure we continue with all the energy and efforts we’ve already undertaken-- to ensure there’s no chance TSF takes over the country again.

When you have a lead-- it’s important to keep doing what you’ve been doing.


Remarkably, JD Vance actually spoke that one recently! “Sure the nonsense about Haitians eating cats is a total lie, but I’m tryna get people’s attention here!”
And in fact the GOP has gotten pretty lackadaisical in hiding their cheating, too.


Ahead of the upcoming election, Donald Trump’s allies are advancing a more organized, more calculated version of their misinformation strategy from 2020.

Gosh, that’s peachy keen!

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I’m trying to decide if these people are idiots or frauds.

I think I’m going to go with fraud. I think every last one of them knows the whole non-citizen voting thing is a lie.


My fear–rather nightmare – is that the Sup Court will get involved and anoint rump as potus.


As I keep pointing out, it takes a special level of short-bus Republican stupid to believe voter misrepresentation fraud is a major factor in elections.

Could you steal $1MM by convincing a million people to rob their local bank for $1 apiece, at gunpoint, in broad daylight? Not even the most amoral person is going to risk felony charges and/or deportation for the absurdly minimal gain of one vote.


It’s why as much as can be done to combat the cheating on the part of the GQP is an absolute necessity to present that outcome of going to the House or to SCOTUS for the final count, in the event the EC is inconclusive.


Remember how in the 2020 election, many of the politicians who picked up​:tangerine::poop:’s election denialism didn’t blink an eye that they got elected in the very same election and everything was just fine with regard to their own seat?

Maybe this time around we ought to make sure that if there are delays with certification because of alleged fraud or whatever, that it applies to everyone across the board in that precinct or state. It might make reality a little more appealing to certain politicians.


The GOP will keep this up. Year after year untill they get thier wish and we have an election that is not fair, legal, true or correct.