Things To Watch As Whitmer And The Legislature Clash In Court

Best wishes for a successful outcome in the courts for Governor Whitmer.


True enough. The manipulation of these people goes back long before Obama, at least back to the 1970s.

Macomb County, Michigan, is where “Reagan Democrats” came to our attention. I would be OK with re-settling the population elsewhere and returning the land to the Ojibwe.


Well, sure – when you put it that way.


Yes, it is yet another GOP legislature trying to weaken the office of Governor the second a Dem wins it, but most of that power grabbing has been done by passing legislation quickly enough to get it signed by the outgoing GOP governor.

The current situation in MI is a legislature seeking to get the court to rule that the Dem Governor’s interpretation of existing law is incorrect and so her actions are illegal. Whichever side wins, I would tend to view it as a judicial clarification of the existing laws, not as a power grab by one side or the other. My view would be different if I were to learn that the judge (or higher-level judges, in the case of an appeal) was a GOP hack who would be deciding the case based on the benefit to the GOP.




That’s a good story, if only too typical.

Someone I knew was sent to help manage Daimler-Chrysler AG. He was … German.


Because they’re not essential workers?

Just guessing.


The USA is never going to be a dictatorship. The assertion of emergency powers…in an emergency…is not an abuse. I’ve been curious about the dictatorship thing for some time. If the application of authority, even responsibly, is the path to tyranny isn’t the refusal grant the executive executive power the path to anarchy?

This ain’t about any of that. It’s about Democrat vs GOP’er in different branches of Government and the people of Michigan love affair with that kind of destructive squabble. Right now they have broken government. Enjoy.


Mark your calendars, folks.

I actually agreed with @cervantes on something.


You want laurels? Or pity?


Neither. Just marking the occasion.


It doesn’t matter what path the GOP’ers take. Out going Gov or the Courts…they’re headed to the same place. If they win, probably will, they’ll regain control over COVID emergency status in MI until the emergency is over.

Agreed. But if insufficient numbers of workers rallied to the cause, and the government essentially conscripted those needed to fill out the workforce, those forced to join in the cause would do so kicking and screaming and railing against the Fed’s assault on their Constitutional right to do (or not do) as they damn well please.

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And here I was thinking we’d agreed a thousand times before.

But never mind all that. Here’s something actually worth talking about:


I find this true in Ohio, also. Everyone wants to open up but as safely as possible.

I found the local news broadcast absolutely giddy about opening up and how excited the business owners are. But down at the bottom of the screen was the poll question that had 74% of respondents thinking that Ohio was opening too quickly. Even my deep red hairdresser was concerned and isn’t doing anything for a few weeks even though she is allowed to start today.

We, too, have idiots patrolling the State House lawn with weapons (though they can’t take them inside) and mount protests outside the Health Dept Doctor for doing her best Fauci impression. My brother has neighbors touting OAN at him. trump flags still fly.

I’m waiting to see how many people actually come out in the next week “just for fun”.


I don’t care how good Whitmer’s defense team is, I expect the outcome to be the same as in Wisconsin. The Michigan folks attempted this because Vos in Wisconsin attempted this and they now see that this is a winning strategy.

For the record, while many places are responsible and will wait a bit longer to open, there were others that opened last night and were shoulder to shoulder here in town and one bar even had live music and the requisite fight on the premises.

Yeah, this is working out real well for us. Talk to me in two weeks as the numbers begin to ramp up. And of course, no one will make the connection that this reversal is how it happened.


I cannot even imagine.

Which is why, you know, I appreciate these reminders. Thanks.


The composition of our Supreme Court is quite different from Wisconsin’s.

Twinning the two states is a frequent error people make.


Yeah. It turned out at that time to be an advantage for my college that I speak German… Quite a number of autosuppliers in the area are subsidiaries of German manufacturers and at the time we left, the training part of our college was pursuing starting German language courses for US employees of these companies – guess who was the contact person? :joy:

(Thanks for the correction with “merger” – I had originally put in “takeover”, then removed it and forgot to replace it. :laughing: Corrected now.)


Glad to hear some of the positive things that are happening in Michigan. I have fond memories of visiting family friends in Rochester during the seventies.


What really pisses me off about this whole BS the Cons are trying to pull is that if they HAD DONE THE FKN WORK we would be opening around the country. Instead they lied and promised and sued and screamed and NEVER did a damn thing. These countries that are opening up had less deaths per capita, cleaned up their cities, tested their citizens and set up procedures for the next wave. NOT US. WE ARE #1 in total DUMBSHTS. They screwed the economy and gave away BILLIONS under the guise of ‘helping’ and now they are whining because the minions are scared to go back to work.


Sounds as if it could have been an interesting time.

People in the US auto industry – I mean workers, not management – had to deal with a lot. First the Japanese came in, then in short order the Germans, then the Italians …

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