The Weekender: Throwing Down the Gauntlet for SCOTUS

If Kamala wins this race the press is going to point to the great news on the economey yesterday as why she won. It is just impossible to call America a shithole country when we are doing this well. But that isn’t the reason she is going to win. America wants justice that we didn’t get from our elites after the January 6 insurrection.


If he leaned any further away, he’d be in a different state.



Ron Filipkowski


Kemp’s face and body language. Leaned as far away as possible and won’t look at him because he hates Trump but has decided to play this game to improve his chances in 2028.



No trump blather sounds appealing. Let’s try it for a while mkay?


{Opens both palms face up} “Eh.”


Politics is strange. Kemp cannot look trump in the eye and call him a lying sleazeball felon to his face and hope to win future elections.


I started saying that the GOP was adopting fascist trappings in the mid aughties. A couple things happened immediately: The first was that people said it couldn’t be true because they didn’t to X, Y or Z that the Nazi’s did, the second was to invoke a distorted version of Godwins law to say that as soon as you mentioned fascists you were already wrong.

We weren’t even allowed to mention it because it wouldn’t be politically correct. This despite the reality that you could look at Eco’s list of traits of Ur Fascism and find clear examples being expressed by the GOP. By the time Trump came along, it wasn’t examples but the actual GOP platform.


This should be a relief to many here.


This is what brings me back to the description of the Brooks Brothers Riot. Of the justices currently on the court, Justices Barrett, Kavanaugh, and Roberts all advised the Bush campaign in some form or another on the 2000 election fight. By including the reference to the Brooks Brothers Riot, Smith tied the violence of Trump’s 2020 election theft attempt back to the 2000 election.

To mimic a recent Matt Gaetz tweet:
The Jan. 6 and Brooks Brothers Riots?
Roger Stone was a player in both.
Coincidence? I don’t think so.


In diplomatic terms, this is a hell yes, he is.

Kyle Griffin


President Biden says he doesn’t know if Netanyahu is trying to influence the election.


Happily I don’t wear Brooks Bros. clothes


I have an interesting take on that based upon what Seth Cotlar posted here::point_down:

they almost never adopt that label. But Fascism exists.

patriots” or “nationalists.”

Godwin’s law works, in part, owing to the fact that the practitioners of fascism invariably hide behind euphemistic labels and can point out that they are not fascists and by calling them that, you have displayed your bias and lost the argument.


Since that usually precedes a stupid self destructive act it’s not quite right in this case. In order to “hold his beer” while he sets himself on fire we need the majority in the house and 2/3rds in the Senate. Otherwise, Roberts will just do what his inner fascist tells him and we’ll be screwed.


Does that mean that it’s cool to be old and smelly, or it’s cool to smell old people?


TDICFFG word salad watch: They’re coming for your gas-powered leaf blowers

I’s only a matter of time before they try to take your pitch-forks and torches


And yet, since the 1950’s it’s been a commonplace that when fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a Bible.

That’s exactly what happens, because those “Christians” know they’re fascists and want to hide behind that label. Most of my current distaste for Christians has to do with how long the mainstream Christians permitted themselves to provide them that cover.


At least my rake and my broom are not gas powered


I suppose in a normal world, not the bizzaro world we now have, the very modest fact checking that our media places on politicians in a debate (probably so the media company does get sued) would not be an issue; and, the only issue would be that a politician or political party expected such a ridiculous thing.

Regarding Jack Smith, the legal team probably has an eye to history here. At some point in the future there will come a time to clean up the awful legal decision the yahoo conservatives on SCOTUS have created in trying their mightiest to immunize Donald Trump from his crimes. When that time comes, tying the Brooks Brother riots and the attempted immunization of Donald Trump to the conservatives on SCOTUS becomes very useful, I would think. And make no mistake, they fully intend to immunize him no matter what.


I suppose a corollary would be that media concentration provides a bigger megaphone for one voice. Therefor it doesn’t represent more speech, but louder speech.


Here is a story about how the storm would effect the largely Red swaths of voters. It is premised around the folks suffering have way more on their mind than getting to the polls. And my own take is they especially won’t be spending their time following all the juicy election news or partaking in GOTV or attending rallies, etc.

However, I think there is something I didn’t see in the article. The possibility that even the die-hard R voters know, deep in their hearts, that Biden and Harris will do much better for them in the long slog ahead. I think it is well understood by us hyper-intelligent liberals, that for all the blame and bluster and frothing from the Red Unwashed - it is underlain by a bone-deep knowledge that they know Dems will provide the basics. We always fund and deliver and keep the govt. machinery humming; Rs always do everything possible to ratfuck it.

Put Chump at the head of that R bumfuckery and you can quadruple the how bad it will be…and how it will end up with R crony’s feasting at a trough instead of the little guy.


Barrett, Kavanaugh, and Roberts all advised the Bush campaign in some form or another on the 2000 election fight

Back when they didn’t have to be fair and honest.

Old habits die hard.