The Trump-Giuliani Push For Ukraine Probes Emphasized A ‘Public’ Statement By Ukraine | Talking Points Memo

Whether alleged or not, the individual named is now in record-level danger of harm.

It won’t matter whether they are or are not the WB, their life is destroyed.


More like this.


Geez, I hope not. This, too, shall pass as public impeachment hearings become front and center.


And this is what I referred to earlier with keeping the entire of the public testimony on a fourth grade level language.

Latin makes people’s eyes glaze over - the average American understands extortion, even though that’s a pretty big word.


Good, and thank you for the additional details. The centrality of the public announcement of an investigation into Burisma and the (fictional) server issue has been stressed repeatedly by Rachel Maddow. There had to be a public announcement, otherwise what’s the political utility for Trump?


Usually, Mz. Lindsey bites the pillow so he won’t scream and frighten the neighbors . . .


The whole Trump/Guiliani extortion scheme is well known. They are criminals and treasonous scum.

Regardless of what happens with impeachment, Guiliani will go to prison when the US gets a legitimate AG. Trump will go to prison if he doesn’t respond


I never realized how complex corruption was. Lots of moving dumb dumbs and many chances for things to go sideways. Thank goodness.


And a small coterie of responsible elected officials who will not let this stand.


He has likely already made a deal with Trump for a full pardon.
Rudy’s venal and dumb, but not stupid enough to forget to have a back-up plan.

Or has an exit strategy out of the country to a no-extradite nation.

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It’s hard for me to imagine he’d give anyone a pardon. I really think the only one he would pardon would be himself and that’s not possible.


OT but hilarious.



One legacy of this era is publicly avowed Trump loyalists are in for a heap of post-Trump shunning.


True, and the fact that Trump wanted not just an investigation per se, but specifically a public announcement by Ukraine of an investigation into Hunter Biden, and he conditioned the release of the funds to Ukraine upon making it public, is yet another smoking gun that also needs to be explained very carefully so that the difference is made absolutely clear.

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OT, Here we go again with the blank main TPM page.


But Sessions is planning a run for his old seat in the Senate from Alabama, and I would strongly suggest he is likely to win.

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So Rudy and Lev Parnas were the back channel between the WH and Kremlin. I guess Trump figures if Rudy is his personal lawyer their commo is protected by attorney-client privilege and this is also why Rudy claimed to be Parnas’s lawyer as well. I’ve been wondering who has been telling Trump what to do regarding Ukraine and Syria(I’m fairly certain Trump can’t point to Syria on a map or say what a Kurd is) so someone must be able to tell him moments before he orders the military or makes a public statement. I think it also exlplains why Jared was trying to get a back channel going between him and Kysliak–he knew Rudy would Fuck the whole thing up and get them all in trouble.


Encouraging, definitely! Especially on the heels of last night’s victories in PA, VA, and KY. People are DONE being taken for stupid. Republicans can expect many, many more middle fingers from their constituents until they are gone for good.