The Supreme Court Gets Its Shot At Trans Kids As The Right Ramps Up Attacks

Sure. Keep calling us “idiots”, and like you said, be “suspicious and resentful of former allies who don’t share [your] resentment.”

I’ve seen this a lot on the Left (and, to be honest, I don’t monitor the “right”, so I can’t speak towards them). One disagreement, and BLAM! You’re out. No longer a friend. Nevermore an ally, in anything. We Shall Never Speak Again. She is now Dead To Me.

You’re right about the right wing knowing how to exploit this. But if we Lefties weren’t so into our own Moral Purity and Absolutism, they would not succeed.

Flushing and plunging can usually clear a toilet.


That’s one great cartoon! I particularly liked the mirror on wheels.


A bit dated but the hoo hoo inspector with flashlight and magnifying glass works


Notable in a good way or a bad way?


There is no circuit split on the issue so far as I am aware, so it tends to indicate some interest in reversing the court of appeals.


Nope. Not the case. I’m still friends with them. But i won’t discuss this topic with them until I figure out a different way to do it in hopes that it’ll sink in.

But I still believe they’re manipulated by the right, who, in my opinion, have spent most of the past five decades or so trying to divide Americans up by these touchy “culture war” topics to which most of our responses are irrational and therefore exceptionally hard for us to reason about. And, despite the way it may have sounded I’m not accusing them of “culture-war idiocy.” I’m accusing Ralph Reed and his many cousins and descendants too numerous to mention of it.

And why are those culture warriors doing it? I believe it’s because of the authoritarian, oligarchical beliefs and ambitions of most leadership types on the right. It’s much easier to distract people by getting them to be agitated about something that has very little to do with the project of sensibly running a country than actually having debates about taxes and economic priorities and domestic policy. Once we’re distracted by “culture war” emotions, they can give tax breaks to the rich and kill off unions as much as they want. Do I think the right actually gives a crap about transgender people or abortion or prayer in the schools? In general, no. I think they care about money and getting to be authoritarian. And I think all the other is just a means to distract everybody else so they get their power and their cash.


From the Trump Bible:
Leviticus 19:18
" You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against any of your people, but you should love your neighbor as yourself: I am the Lord."
Could have been redacted?


… Holly came from Miami, F-L-A
Hitch-hiked her way across the USA
Plucked her eyebrows along the way
Shaved her legs and then he was a she

… She says, “Hey babe, take a walk on the wild side”
Said, “Hey honey, take a walk on the wild side”


S0unds like you’re trolling.

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MAGA warrants being trolled… to the victor goes the spoils…let them eat cake

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I foresee at “Sit Down” strike coming.

Go in, do your business, wash your hands and go to the nearest Capitol Police and confess to your crime. “I peed in the wrong bathroom.”


There is the possibility that they want a wider ruling that gender-affirming care is not Constitutionally protected at any age, opening the doors to all sorts of anti-trans laws.


Issue not presented.

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The Supreme Court Gets Its Shot At Trans Kids As The Right Ramps Up Attacks

First it was Blacks who were discriminated against for who they were. But with the Civil Rights era of the mid-twentieth century, that lost some of its heft. Next were gays and lesbians, but too many bigoted politicians had loved ones who were homosexuals, so they needed a new target. Trans people were perfect, plenty of eeeew for those who feel a need to emote like that, and numerically relatively rare. The perfect scapegoat onto which to heap scorn.

Sad commentary, but I think with more than a dollop of truth.

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That barrier to certiorari seems to have suffered serious selective erosion.

Clarence Thomas has stooped so low, and is so brazen as to actively solicit cases on issues about which he wants to change the law.

“Tucked inside the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling Friday that overturned the long-held constitutional protection for abortion was a concurring opinion from conservative Justice Clarence Thomas. In it, he pushed the court to revisit cases that have already been decided related to contraception and same-sex marriage.”

Clarence Thomas invites legal challenges to contraception, same-sex marriage | The Texas Tribune.

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Judicial doomsplaining is tedious.

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To be fair, the present court majority has surprised a lot of folks several times now.


To be fair, it’s still fucking tedious.

The sun will rise in the morning even with a 6-seat conservative majority. SCOTUS will not use the trans kids case to declare trump god-emperor for life. They’re not gonna pee in your oatmeal.

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