The Striking Details That Jack Smith Used To Tighten His January 6 Case Against Trump

No. We. Are. Not.

Hyperbole is unstrategic. Harden up.

That ship done sailed. It’s why they have a full-court attack to suppress and deny votes.



It’s about time. If the courts ruled this way uniformly with all these other assholes, a lot of these bad acts would simply stop. If you let people get away with bad behavior, they will do it.

Willie Sutton was asked why he robbed banks - he said because that is where they keep the money. Likewise, the easiest way to power in the USA is to cheat in politics. We should protect our democratic institutions as zealously as we protect our banks and financial institutions. People who cheat in politics should be routinely banned from political life and locked up.

Congratulations to Judge Barrett for protecting our democracy.


And the date (Jan 6) was not selected by throwing a dart at a calender while blindfolded.


Did Johnny the Robber Baron and the 5 Justices Operatives really think John L. “Jack” Smith was going to fold up his prosecution of Don the Convicted and go home after they rigged it in his favor? Nobody is that stupid. The Man has prosecuted War Criminals.

Sorry Johnny, you right-wing POS, no one especially the Special Prosecutor is going to do your dirty work for you. Jack Smith has thrown down the gauntlet and double dog dares you to write a legal opinion exonerating the seditious bast*rd. Do it and you guarantee Democratic victories for years.


Smith has the felon’s fat ass nailed to the wall as completely as could be possible. He had it before. He has it in the docs case that was thrown out. Judge Barrett has sentenced a treasonous shitbag for doing treasonous shitbag stuff, which is what is supposed to happen in a rightside-up world with rules and laws.

The timing on this sentence is really nice. I hope shitbags everywhere are taking note that the SCOTUS shitbags won’t help them.


IANAL but isn’t Trump’s lawyer’s turn to try and frame what Smith as laid out as a President doing Presidential things? As opposed to a President candidate doing weird and horrible things to stay in power.


Trump inc. organized that crowd months in advance.


I have read Smith’s brief and it is extremely difficult after going through the recitation of facts, to believe that ANY of those actions undertaken by Trump had anything to do with the office of the president. It was clear that every action was to stay in power and he would even go use batshit nutbars like Sidney Powell to further his aims. It is telling that Texas would allow her to keep her license - as no other state would. I looked at my oath of attorney that I signed back in 1997 and it states:

#2 - I will support the Constitution of the State of Washington and the Constitution of the United States.

#5 I will not counsel, or maintain any suit, or proceeding, which shall appear to me to be unjust, or any defense expect what I believe to be honestly debatable under the law, unless it is in defense of a person charged with a public offense. I will employ for the purpose of maintaining the causes confided to me only those means consistent with truth and honor. I will never seek to mislead the judge or jury by any artifice or false statement.

I believe other states have similar oaths. Most attorneys I know are ethical and because of the privilege and the privilege to have confidential communications with our clients, we have greater obligations to society and truthfulness. There is nothing more despicable than a lying lawyer. I look at Yale law school alums like Ted Cruz and Harvard law alums like Vance, and see a giant rot at the elite schools which they still have not answered for.


We might expect them to win, then. I bet AI would take less than 10 minutes to identify anti-Trump Americans via comments on the internet.

Maybe the trolls are just trying to shake the trees, in which case -

The requisite procedure is called impeachment which provides for the possibility of being barred from future Federal service and for future prosecution.( The current Supreme Court to the contrary.)

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Lots of them should be impeached.

Remember that Roberts, Coney Barrett and Kavanaugh were all on Team Bush in Florida when they stole the 2000 election.


This does my heart good. To see that smug defiant traitor sent directly to jail. No release until appeals exhausted etc etc.


Thank you, came to the comments to see if anyone mentioned this. This was Smith bringing the reality of the situation to the feet of the Justices.

Also Roger Stone involved in both events :slight_smile:

Great comment from harpie over on emptywheel: John Roberts' Sordid Legacy: 14 Pages of Mean Tweets - emptywheel


Recall that in the nineteenth century, pickpockets were hanged, wholesale in public, in merry England. In the crowds attending these festivities, pickpockets were profitably employing their skills. But this is totally different? If you say so.

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This is delicious!


Of course, none of the substance is new. The difference here is in the specific details, and they’re damning - though only in the legal sense that they weave a much finer-meshed net that will be more difficult to slither out of.

So, yes, more difficult, but not impossible. IMO, too much weight is being given to the dare Smith has made to SCOTUS to sign its name to what would be an absolute horrorshow if it were to acquit Trump in this case. Based on this Court’s history, acquit him they will, with flags, smoke, and mirrors everywhere, and high-sounding multisyllable words that purport to rewrite the Constitution, just as they did in overturning Roe and Chevron , and in completely rewriting the Second Amendment from the ground up. These so-called “Justices” have no shame, no interest in their legacy other than as it enables Trump to destroy our democracy. And they certainly have no interest in upholding their oath to support and defend the Constitution - ask Thomas and his RV, or Gorsuch and his lifelong jihad to avenge his mother’s disgrace as a corrupt EPA head, and to destroy those who rightfully shamed her, and their legacies. Ask Roberts and the corporations who support his lifestyle through his wife. Same for Alito. (As for Kavanaugh and Barrett, I disagree with both their philosophies and many of their votes, though they both occasionally rule with actual jurisprudence - not as often as I’d like, but more often than I expect.)

I hope I’m wrong and that Unholy Six decides to side with the Constitution this time around. I just don’t have much faith that they will.


Now do it to TSF. I’m TIRED of seeing his face and hearing his voice.

You know it’s probably wrong to be enjoying it as much as you are…but goddamn if it’s not cathartic anyway…

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I know the area well. I grew up in the area as a youngster, and then later, as an adult – OshKosh B’Gosh, and “Rippin’ Good” Cookies – however, now, the Cookie factory company as been sold several times and the factory finally closed in 2016 as manufacturing was conducted elsewhere:

And OshKosh B’gosh, founded in 1895 in Oshkosh, Wisconsin as a manufacturer of hickory-striped denim bib overalls for railroad workers and farmers, and then specialized as a manufacturer of a pint-size version for the children of these customers “found” its true meaning and purpose – to “embody the hopes, dreams and pride of every parent for their kids. More than just a clothing company, OshKosh B’gosh became an emotional connection between generations.”

“As we grew to offer style-conscious kids everything from casual playwear to special occasion dresses, we’ve stayed true to our roots in quality, durability and craftsmanship… things worth holding on to.” Sure. After 117 years, In 2005, OshKosh B’gosh joined the Carter’s family of brands. “Together, OshKosh B’gosh and Carter’s are now two of the oldest, largest and most-recognized brands of baby and children’s apparel in North America.”

It is never what it used to be.

I just was given a “Genuine Pendleton Blanket” from Oregon, “made in China.” I hate this.