The Strangely Long List Of Obscure Names Dropped By Trump Lawyer Robert Ray | Talking Points Memo

When I use to complain about all the chores I had when I was a kid,
I always got dads punch line about it before the kicked butt moment if I kept pushing it.
He would say, “you are barking at the moon”
So after watching on and off all day with these fabulous trump lawyers,
I can safely say," they are barking at the moon"
oh that felt good. lol


Might work in a bad law school too?


It’s the Twelve Days of Impeachmas!

Every day we get a new revelation.


Sure, gish-galloping and obscurantism work in many educational fields, and sometimes those knowlegeable ones in the room just want to get on with the day. I think more than one degree is obtained on the premise that they never want to see that guy again.

Funny, I also said gish-gallop before seeing your response. We’re on the same page, the only question is whether it’s a gish-gallop (BS on too many details to check), or what is called a jargon attack or technical violence: cite so many accurate unrelated factoids that you wear down the listeners. I’m not going to invest time in listening to that attorney to find out. That’s the kind of thing I pay for real journalism to learn.


I want an advent calendar. No need to shut this show down early.


And he forgot Karl, too.


#1 with a bullet!

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If they do manage to get him to testify, wow is Abe Lincoln ever going to be pissed at what they’ve done to his party.



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Having spent most of my professional life in the live entertainment industry I’ve learned that “name-dropping” is one of the first clues to a grifter and a sleaze. Trump is a prime example, and this guy is a crass amateur. But it is indicative of the whole Trump regime and of how callow, naive, and corrupted the GOP has become.


“If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullsh*t.”

William Claude Dukenfield

…or it might even work in the US Senate.

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I’m thinking it’s just a particularly shitty Dennis Miller bit.

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I suspect the dotard’s philosophy includes “A thing worth having is a thing worth cheating for,” from the same man.

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That guy with the wooden teeth.

Bee’s knees.

I wonder how many of these citations would turn out to say the opposite if actually followed. (Even in ostensibly good-faith scholarly articles checkers have uncovered significant numbers of cites that really truly don’t say the thing they’re cited to support.)

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The funniest legal one was when Scalia mis-citied himself. When this was pointed out his response was the legal equivalent of vaffancullo.


For those still following this, we have a delightful coincidence. Turns out Att. Gish Gallop has a stalking history with a restraining order taken out against him. Guess what strategery the WH is considering today against Bolton?

Hamilton, Lincoln, Kennedy and Ford are not obscure.

Atwater died of the same brain-rot he infected the RepublicanRussian party with.