The New Hampshire Democratic Debate | Talking Points Memo

We know your husband is a man of good judgment.


Oh shit. I just realized this debate will be hosted by ABC. Didnā€™t they royally screw up an earlier one with a bunch of bullshit questions? I seem to recall that all the hosts wanted from that debate was to provoke fighting among the candidates because they seemed to believe debates are more entertaining that way.


:relaxed: Awww - thanks

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People are saying right now they dread Sanders being the nominee and on the lighter side also having a Kim Davis-look alike for FLOTUS


Same chez blue.

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Expand to Any Responsible Adult.


I say the same thing about that possible FLOTUS - I always think Kim Davis when I see her. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

And we know Mr Blue is a man of exquisite taste.

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And yet, with no opening statements and just over a minute to answer, the media is determined to ratfuck the entire thing.

Look for inane horse race questions with candidates desperately trying to make points outside the stupid questions.

Iā€™m feeling cynical tonight


And a damn good golfer who doesnā€™t cheat.

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Iā€™m totally cynical about the debates. hahahahaha


I feel that way every day now. Iā€™m afraid itā€™s become a chronic condition.


My Friday night date - at the debate with all of you!


Oh, there could be othersā€¦honestly, I think Pete has a very mean streak, from a couple things he has said in debates when challenged, and if he really let loose with that in a debate it would be a huge gaffe for him. Bernie, well, Bernie could easily do one, heā€™s done it before, but somehow they get smoothed over usually. Weā€™ll see.

Iā€™m sorry no Bloomberg. I think he should have been added to the mix sooner rather than later. Iā€™d rather hear from him than non-starters like Yang and Steyer.


My Friday night date - at the debate with all of you!



Itā€™s not about payback, itā€™s about rule of law. Weā€™ve created a moral hazard in politics and business by always letting them ā€˜step downā€™ as punishment. If there isnā€™t a repercussion for breaking the law, then no one will follow the law, why should they.

Payback may feel good, itā€™s a shit poor reason for just about everything.


Hillary trued that in 2016, and it didnā€™t work out so well. 2018 was a referendum on policies, mainly health care, where the Democrats portrayed the Republicans as trying to take it away from Americans. That worked extremely well. 2020 should be more of the same, with the Democrats focusing on all the things they do for people, the things they want to do for people, and how Republicans are threatening to take away things like Medicare, Social Security, and give all the wealthy to the wealthy. That argument is winnableā€¦yelling about how awful Trump is just energizes his base, and the ones who might stay home feel threatened because Democrats are saying a Republican is evil and feel obliged to vote against them.

Put up a candidate who can nail the policy, and have them talk about the Republicans in general as against progress for Americans, and then let Trump be the asshole, and heā€™ll come off as selfish and not interested in helping Americansā€¦when he does that he loses.



Time enough to attack Trump during the general

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Is what Sanders just said true? Young people came out in higher numbers in Iowa this year than in 2008?

Bernie has not answered the socialist label. He needs to attack this or defend it.


Yeah, yeah. I know thatā€™s right but I still on a purely emotional level want what goes around to come around. Sorry. Just being honest.