The Most Dangerous Line Trump Could Still Cross

So he’s taking prison guard jobs away from Americans? Nice.


The Hive needs to be running in 2026 and Castor Troy in 2028.

Better messaging here than the entire DNC fucks.


but but if you put the poop into the mittens no poop bag needed, and warmth in the mittens. Win-Win!

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One of the issues with these lists, with the deletion of thousands of pages from gov’t websites, is how come of them were chosen. They ran things through a search program (or ctrl F) for key words - Diversity, Equity, Inclusion. So if someone had something that was equitable - gone! The had diverse job responsibilities - gone, Medical care that covers a diverse population - gone.


Headline on my Bloomberg this morning:

GOP Lawmakers Cede to Trump, Musk Power Grab Without a Challenge

(Bloomberg) — Congressional Republicans have managed barely a whimper as President Donal Trump wages a historic push to expand executive power, steamrolling them along the way and unleashing anxiety across the federal government.

At least some of the conventional mainstream media are paying at least a bit of attention and are placing the blame where it clearly belongs.


A magic pot of troops?
Military operations don’t pay for themselves.


And Borowitz again


We’ll have all of that fresh, green tariff cash. And a sovereign wealth fund.


Ah, that magical pot of money that appears when Daddy takes steps to prop up the casinos.


The lazy man’s road to inequitable outcomes.


@emptywheel on Donnie and Gaza seems on target to me:


Good to know that Elmo’s doings go back to the White House:



Ha! Are you kidding? It is relevant if we want to continue with the Dems as our party, or if we want to start a new one. I can see where that is an open question…there may be no point if Dems cave and don’t fight and we continue to descend into Authoritarianism.

And, other people brought up Kamala. I never blamed her for anything or roped her into the culpability the Dems have. The point is, we lost the electorate. They have hardened against us, for whatever reason, and we need to change that.

We sat around saying “There are more of us”, election after election until finally…there aren’t more of us. You know how that happens? When your coalition fractures and people start drifting away and you can’t win over any significant numbers of new voters. When you don’t reach out and directly appeal to the masses of voters…and instead concentrate on direct appeals to only the smaller segments.

I am getting tired of having to repeat it…this isn’t about how Dems govern or even how they campaign. It is how we are VIEWED by the 100s of millions of people who don’t reliably vote for us. And that isn’t Kamala Harris’ problem. That is all the chat rooms, all the Social Media sites, all the left’s talking heads, mouthpieces, activists, TV panelists, and the leads of the larger organizations that purport to support the Dems. Our messaging is all over the place, and the Rs and Corporate Media seize on, always, the most hurtful stuff like we are socialists and want to Defund The Police and have kids indoctrinated by Drag Queens and perverts in their kid’s bathrooms, and men playing on women’s sports teams. That we hate Jesus and sneer at the common or rural folk. It may be a miscast perception that we only sponsor programs and policies to favor non-whites, women, and every other minority group…but there is some truth to that. Most voters weren’t alive in the time before Affirmative Action, EEOC, etc. No matter how well intentioned people are, after a decade or two they will say ‘enough’ when the playing field is being rigged in ‘somebody else’s’ favor.

So, it is an unfair game. The perception about us is warped and twisted, sure, but we hurt our own selves by not fighting it properly. We are so pure and perfect that we can’t be bothered to make conciliatory approaches to 100s of millions of voters and keep relying on our band of minorities…scared shitless we might piss some off some millions but perfectly fine pissing off 100 million.

Our minority coalition does not want to appeal to whites, males, straights, religious, and rural people. The giddiness is palpable, each recent election cycle that ‘there are more of us’ and ‘we don’t need them’ and ‘we don’t want them’. In a retail politics game, that is pure poison. Especially if ‘there are more of us’ is a mirage.

Winning friends and influencing people.


The moving trucks are ready.

2h ago12.23 GMT

In a statement, Israel’s Nachala Movement has responded to Donald Trump’s comments by saying “we must hurry” to settle Gaza.

Reuters reports the far-right group posted to social media saying “We must hurry and establish settlements throughout the Gaza Strip. No part of the land of Israel should be left without Jewish settlement. If an area remains desolate, it may be captured by enemies.”

Israeli settler leader Daniella Weiss has previously stated that thousands of Jewish settlers are ready to move to Gaza.


I’d like some reporters to start asking Rethuglican Senators and Representatives why the American people should continue to pay their salaries if Elon Musk is going to run the country without them.


Hey now they still have a lot of rubber stamping to do!


Meanwhile, closer to home: USAID yesterday, NOAA today:

Doge staffers enter Noaa headquarters and incite reports of cuts and threats

From now on, there will be no further arguments supporting anthropogenic climate change theory. The drag on the US economy simply doesn’t justify it. Any factual support will be gone, scrubbed, wiped out, or redacted with a Sharpie.

ETA - PBS News Hour last night included an interview with Rojo, who trumpeted his support for transparency in science (the context was the Brainworm nomination, but science finds its way into other executive agencies’ agendas, at least until now). So easy, then, to insist on transparency after you’ve wiped out all the information that contradicts your position.


Anyone buying this nonsense from the government news org?

Army recruiting shatters records after President Trump election win




MM should be changed to Jeff Tiedrich’s cri de coeur, “What the fuck are we waking up to today?”