Jared Kushner, equipped with an amorphous professional title and razor straight hair part, has long had a laughably large portfolio.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1283949
Jared Kushner, equipped with an amorphous professional title and razor straight hair part, has long had a laughably large portfolio.
There is an expression in my area that covers this.
“Someone sh*t and put a hat on it.”
Wasn’t he supposed to solve the Middle East conflicts? Should be done any day now.
He serves only in an “acting” capacity as with the rest of the cabinet.
I wonder if he servers in an “acting” capacity as SIL?
Meaning he only “acts” like he is getting anything done.
Well, we won’t be hearing Bolton testify in the Senate. Trump said he plans to invoke executive privilege to prevent him from testifying.
He’s the cat in the hats.
Well to be fair they get done what Trump wants done when he tells what he wants, only find out after they did what he wanted, Trump no longer wants what he told them to do. Except for the cruelty part, everything must be done with the utmost cruelty and expense.
He attended meetings with campaign officials in Mar-a-Lago, and made a rare public appearance at a December campaign press event. There, he announced that he is now a registered Republican.
Hmm. No mention of this hat?
It’s the hat of many colors.
Seuss wrote “The Five Hundred Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins”, 1938. Was a story not written verse.
My psoriasis is much improved since Prince Jared took over. Thank you, future King of America.
And how many of these things has he been successful at?
I can claim to have both the greatest grammar skills in the universe (as exemplified by my ending my first sentence with a preposition) and preparing for the Mr. Nude Universe competition.
Doesn’t mean I do, or am.
Think,Jared. The gravy train will stop. The House of Trump will go down. Where will you go? Think of your children.
You think he hasn’t stashed some small percentage of the billions he’s helped to launder?
Let’s send him to Baghdad to work all this out, whaddya say?
So many tasks! If only he could get Trump to stop sniffing and slurring at the podium.
Consider this: The guy that lost his security clearance for multiply lying on his application forms could very well have been the guy who whispered in trump’s ear to assassinate Soleimani. In other words, US foreign policy is being managed by the high-pitched squeaks of a son of a felon who openly tried to set up Russian back-channels to the White House. This is what losing the cold war 30 years later looks like, comrade. .