Yep, their brains have all been melted by decades of dumb propaganda catering to their insecurities and shortcomings. Rush Limbaugh ain’t nobody’s mentor when it comes to administrative governance.
I have to admit that if I were an SES officer in the Census Bureau, I’d probably have spent a lot of time figuring out how to sandbag the effort to turn the critical process that I oversee into a typical screwed up, corrupted Trump scam.
Let’s not forget Gym Jordan and Matt Gaetz along with Devin are swirling around at the bottom of the barrel. They are the updated version of the GOP “Young Guns”.
Kevin McCarthy and fellow Republican Reps. Paul D. Ryan and Eric Cantor ganged up in 2007 as the new generation of conservative leadership aka “The Young Guns”. Didn’t work out too well for Eric or Paul.
And with Kevin clearly being the least capable of them, it continues to demonstrate just how much of their brain trust that the GOP has sent swirling down the drain.
There will never be another Trump only in some literal sense.
That we had this Trump nearly become another autocrat means that the chances of another Trump have increased. And, his enablers – called Republicans – will accept him with open arms.
One thing we learned from this go around is that there are 70 million Americans who don’t give a shit if they’re ruled by some autocrat or someone establishing an autocracy – if indeed they even recognize what’s happening to them.
No what we learned was that they are susceptible to a personality cult. it’s about Trump. It’s not about anything else. IF he had been advocating for some other thing like a communist form of government they would be protesting in favor of that.
Sadly, I think you may be right about this. They want what he wants. Try as I might, I cannot fathom what it is that makes him so attractive to those MFers. They have nothing but contempt for anything or anyone who he claims has cheated him out of his monarchical power. I only hope that after he’s gone from the spotlight, they’ll follow him into the dustbin of history. Sadly again, I’m not that optimistic it will be that easy.
He is doing a good job of following his father’s path with Freddie Jr. and souring his followers to anyone who doesn’t obsequiously slather praise on members of the “family.” The only way for the GOP to move beyond Trump would be to out-Trump him and that will only continue to isolate the party. If they do try to reel it back, they will lose all the Trump voters and either way, it seems like they would be destined to be a true minority party for a generation as a result of Trump taking the reins.
They apparently like him for all the same reasons that we hate him. It’s bizarre, but I’ve thought about this for a long time and that’s what it is. They really hate us and he fed that. But it’s also because he is the total antithesis of the kind of leaders we elect. He is the anti-Obama. He is the anti-politician. They don’t like politicians so they don’t like competent people when it comes to government. But that’s populism for you. Populism has managed to put the most incompetent people in Italy in charge in Italy and that is really saying something.