Half a tombstone?
I am beginning to use the phrase terrorist to describe these psychopaths who start unneeded wars. The definitions of state sanctioned and non-state war mongers and mercenaries appear to operationally merge with those of terrorists on the edges especially when there are large scale civilian casualties that are not petty crimes, typical 2nd Amendment-approved school shootings in America, and sporadic guerrilla incidents.
Sadly, many of these victims didn’t even know they were going into a war zone until they were told to start shooting.
I can have some sympathy, as these kids were duped. Lied to. Put in a position where they really had no choice, other than desertion (which many did, no question).
And still Putie says there’s no war. Continuing to lie.
So in addition to everything else, Russia would need a special group to kill wounded Russian soldiers.
Aside from the resources that would require, you really think they have shown anywhere near that sort of competence, that they could pull this off let alone pull this off without being discovered?
There are drones everywhere. They can’t hide.
So do I. I think all of this is the last gasp of the old colonial order.
Here’s the thing. When you cross borders in Europe, you get a series of text messages from the new carrier, informing you that you’re now in this new country, what roaming rates for calls and texts are, etc. Generally about three of them.
Most of these kids with “no idea” have been getting picked up with cell phones on them.
That the line is so consistent is more suggestive that they collectively were told to tell that story if captured.
Z is not actually a symbol used in the Russian alphabet.
The end of the Cold War and the unification of Europe brought an unprecedented 30 years of relative peace (except for the emergence of jihadi Sunni terrorism) and global growth and prosperity. Even Russia prospered.
This is going to lead to a global arms race and the loss of quality of life.
Same here. That ‘last gasp’ is going to be a doozy!
Here’s the thing:
I don’t know if the Russian military does the dog-tag thing, but if the tags are left on the body, there’s a chance of being able to recover and return the bodies. But if the tags have been removed, the task of recover and return will be impossible.
You could be right, but I don’t see it that way. Putin’s Russia is faltering. Someone will take his place because…someone HAS to take his place. They don’t have any choice any longer. Invading Ukraine was the old guard’s last option. And it’s looking like a failure.
As in "Condelesa Rice and Dick Cheney were terrorizing the American public as they traveled the nation warning of mushroom clouds over Manhatten if we didn’t preemptively invade Iraq(they knew full well that Sadaam did not possess nuclear weapons or the ability to deliver said WMD). Therefore they were terrorists in every meaningful sense of the word.
Massive balls on this guy. All of russia targeting him, and he hangs out in his office and posts a selfie video.
Took a one year course in college for Scientific Russian. It was purely a translation course, after two years of language. The book we translated from contained a series of essays that were science-related. The worst part of the course was the idiomatic structure of the language. If one took the sentence at face value, it often came out something like ‘oven-fried tractor’ unless you knew the idioms, which we didn’t.
Definitely Catherine the Great–who started out as a German princess named Sophie, was married to the nutcase Tsar Peter III, supported (and probably participated in) his overthrow and killing, and proceeded to launch several wars (against the Poles as well as the Turks and Crimean Tatars) and to carry out bloody repressions against the rebellious (and equally bloody-minded) Volga Cossacks led by Pugachev. But she was almost matched in ferocity by Tsarina Elizaveta Petrovna (reigned 1741-1762), a daughter of Peter the Great.
And of course there was Catherine de’ Medici, the Queen of France who (along with her son Charles IX) was primarily responsible for the St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre in 1572, which ignited another round of the French Wars of Religion.
And Catherine’s contemporary, Elizabeth I of England, and Elizabeth I’s half-sister, Mary Tudor (“Bloody Mary”)–both of them as ruthless as their father, Henry VIII.
And Isabella of Castile/Spain…
And various medieval queens…
Given a position of power, these ladies were fully as bloodthirsty as any male ruler. The main gender difference was that women, in traditional societies, generally had access to royal power only occasionally, usually by an accidental When power dropped into their hands, they used it to the utmost.
Condi and Dick were unctuous, power hungry sycophant minions that understood George Bush’s emotional vulnerabilities and his limited critical thinking skills and wanted to please.
And George Bush the Dumber desperately sought his mother’s approval by avenging his father’s loss in the presidential election despite his victory in the Gulf War. America usually re-elects wartime presidents and both Bushes were going down this well trodden path.
And they’ve all failed! More evidence of Russia’s decline. Eventually, it will reach the point where the protesting populace will be too numerous to jail. And change will come.