The Kremlin Can’t Hide Its Ukraine War Dead: Reports Emerge Of Funerals Across Russia | Talking Points Memo

We can’t always extrapolate from previous situations. I don’t think this is the same. Not that I’m an expert on history or human behavior or…anything.


It’s very similar in that Russia seems to be committed to gobbling up half the country, and possibly executing the Ukrainian intelligencia for being too closely aligned with the West.


As careful as NATO is being with this monstrous invasion, I think Russia has already lost Ukraine, they just don’t know it yet.


I just checked my TPM profile.

It says I’m empathetic… lol


I saw the early pix of the purported portable cremation units, but I have not seen any substantiating evidence of their use.

The report said first Arkady, I believe Pootie’s bff is Valery…

No idea about relation, if any.

I can find Poland on a map.

S’okay. We know better. {Kidding!}

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Many of them were conscripts.

Foiled again   : - )

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I’m glad to know that. I remember the whole freedom fries thing. I lived in the Cincinnati area at the time and people were dumping French wine down the street and throwing out French cheese. I was 100% with France and I was buying up all kinds of French food for cheap. This time is different. If it’s Russian, I don’t want it. If it does business with Russia, they can keep their products too. I don’t ever remember feeliing so extraordinarily emotionally invested in another country’s fight. I guess this isn’t just their fight thought. This is the fight for democracy.


Russia has not a tradition of democracy. There are entire generations that are emotionally damaged because authoritarians have forced them into being sheep. I suspect that many like the idea of taking orders from authoritarians and orthodox clergy.
I think that the adoption of the presidential system of government instead of the parliamentary system after the collapse of communism caused its democracy to become stunted. Democratic values never took root and the country’s institutions and wealth could be easily hijacked by tyrannical rightwing conservative terrorists like Pootie Patootie.

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To put in in language of my younger days…Putin is NOT winning hearts and minds in Ukraine… or for that matter I suspect in his own country. And I doubt in much of the rest of the world.


Ruble to rubble.


More that they don’t want to admit it yet.


Among Russia’s war dead today is the 2nd General killed in action, Vitaliy Gerassmiov.
Based on this report from the UKR military, it was a disaster of a day overall for the Russians on the battlefield.

While I am glad to hear such news, it is tempered by the fact that the Russians seem to respond to their failures on the battlefield by blowing up apartment buildings, schools and hospitals and shooting fleeing residents (which they are in fact doing this evening as I type this).

The quickest way to end this war, however, is for the UKR military to stay focused and pick off the Russians, piece by piece. That’s what they are doing.


Even China is keeping its distance from him.


Soon, they won’t have any choice. Then they will have to contend with a neighboring country that despises them. And Putin will single-handedly be responsible for driving Ukraine into NATO.


I saw this retort. lol


I think this has been everyone’s fear. When the Russians start losing the ground game and soldiers what do they turn to? What do they turn to after apartment buildings? When does the if I can’t have Ukraine then nobody can start to come into play? Will he turn to chemicals, thermobaric, or even nukes. I also don’t trust any of those close to him to stop him either.