Supremely bad!
In America (recently at least) implosion seems to have political benefit. Everything is upside down these days. I thought Hillary ran the best campaign ever, and trump the worst. Who won? I also thought Biden was trying to lose the 2020 primary, because his speeches sucked and he seemed not to want the job. He won! I say - who knows?!
The most significant thing that Biden can do is interrupt official proceedings. This is what I am suggesting when I suggest that he arrest the Supreme Court justices. I’m being somewhat facetious, but my point is very simple: all you have to do is prevent them from ruling against you, and the easiest way to do that is to prevent them from ruling.
A similar thing applies to Congress.
Biden won’t do what he needs to do, which is part of the reason I love him. He’s an honest guy, but it’s a dishonest world.
They have to say that. Right now, an instant response of “burn 'er down!” to a ruling we don’t like won’t play well. Let’s win first and then build the political will.
I remind myself that in a decade all our elderly senior political leaders will be deceased. Who will be in their places? That’s what we need to try to envision.
This is wonderful news and great legal eagle work by the very wise conservative, not corrupt at all, good christian folks who brought you Dredd Scott, legal torture and the Scopes Monkey Trial. Well, now we Americans finally know there is nothing unconstitutional about official presidential acts that require overthrowing an election, organizing a coup, attacking the Capitol, trying to assassinate the Vice President and Speaker…
Someone suggested that he arrest Trump as a clear and present danger to the Republic. That would precipitate whatever kind of civil war the right can muster, but I would rather see it happen while Biden is CiC. This could wait until we see the election outcome, of course. Then, if Biden can make the case that they are attempting yet another coup at that time, he could act. That is just one possibility.
They can’t anyway, not with this House and Senate. Executive orders can only do so much.
“There is no crueler tyranny than that which is perpetuated under the shield of law and in the name of justice.” A quote from Montesquieu, who understood how the separation of powers is supposed to work.
They should care if the person who wins is Trump, because he’s not merely greedy to the point of sociopathy (like all their other friends). He is an unhinged tyrant, the world’s most spoiled brat, and he will have no problem serving them up to Putin’s kompromat machine, or just having them murdered, as he likes.
Mao was aided in the establishment of his tyranny by quite a few “intellectuals” who thought the new state would need competent clerks. A lot of them died by firing squad, some long after the revolution was settled.
Trump could assassinate all but one justice, and then keep that one in his pocket. He could prevent the Senate from filling the vacancies by threatening any random Senator to make them invoke the blue slip. None of us will have any idea because the Trump shuts out journalists.
He did not implode.
He crashed for 15 minutes, largely recovered by the end and was back on fire Friday.
As long as he doesn’t crash again, particularly in September, it will be forgotten.
I think the founding fathers would think these guys should hang.
Let there be one.
Let any state that wants out leave.
This is a union, not a murder-suicide pact.
Luckily for Trump, per the Court’s ruling, he seems to have led the Jan. 6 insurrection in a way that secures him near-blanket immunity.
… … …
I sense something deeply wrong here …
Democrats have no shortage of talent. The problem is that none of that talent can get a Presidential campaign up and running in a matter of months. There is a reason why Presidential campaigns take a year or more - the candidates have to build up everything they need for a successful run.
The Supreme Court, on balance, has ruled poorly. They consistently rule in favor of the rights of property over people, and have since the founding of the Republic.
There are only a few rulings that have had a positive effect on America, precious few, and most of them are reversals of earlier cruelties, and now we are finding even these good decisions reversed again.
The institution is broken, has always been broken, is by design broken.
Yeah, but Trumps base likes voting for monsters, ours is on a continuous search for the perfect candidate
Roberts is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. I wonder if Robert’s views on impeachment have changed. He seems pretty fluid when the need arises.
Remember all those guns, kids. They will be on our side when the big, dumb ox needs dragged from somewhere.
America didn’t survive this long without having a bullshit limit. Believe it. Trump rides a snake.
Clearest evidence yet of there being an overarching and understood plan to wrest permanent control of the republic from the rest of us. There is no daylight between this ruling and Project 2025. None. And that makes sense because they are not separate. They are part of the same whole. There is a gestalt here for anyone willing to take the blinders off and accept that, yes, it CAN happen here.
Hint: Because it IS happening here.
And the kicker? They knew they were safe making this ruling because either Joe nor anyone else on our side of things will abuse it. They know very damn well that it’s only their side that would…and will…and has already literally written plans for how to do so.