The Inside Story Of Barack Obama’s 2024 Campaign Calculations - TPM – Talking Points Memo

Abso-effing-lutely! Well said. And welcome to the fray!


I don’t think in the case of Israel and Palestine it is experience. I don’t think it’s experience with the rise of Racism and Religiosity. I think young folks don’t understand the long game, that is won in inches instead of miles.
I could throw out:
You can’t always get what you want
But if you try sometime you’ll find
You get what you need

We just have to remind the young ones that if Trump gets back in the WH they may only get to tell their kids that: “Yeah I got to vote that one time.”


Is there even a story here? Or should I say “Inside Story”, or is this just Walker humping a book being showcased by his employer, TPM?

This is an “all hands on deck moment,” a source close to former president Obama told TPM, describing the former president’s thinking.

So, how do you source a source who has the unique ability to mind read? All fluff and chatter IMHO.

and we’re not going to second guess it from the outside,” the source said.

I see plenty of subtle cheap shots at Biden here, the same guy who spent eight years walking point for Obama.

Let the handwringing begin.


Trump is Obama’s legacy. He (and the Democratic Party) abandoned working people for corporate overlords. Dems have only themselves to blame for the tragic condition of our country.


And sadly, that is the last thing that young adults want to hear: "You just lack experience.

True. And as every good salesman will tell you, you don’t sell the buyer the bells and whistles, you explain how the bells and whistles (affordable housing, loan forgiveness) will benefit them. That’s when you get their attention.


Hate is in the way of a solution, and also proximity. The Israelis don’t want an independent Palestine on their borders as long as missiles would continue to be fired into Israeli cities. No country would want that. And the Palestinians seem incapable of forming a government that could ensure this would never happen.

So it’s a stalemate. Possibly forever, because the neighboring Arab countries refuse to get involved in any meaningful way.

Back on topic, I’m just hoping that the Gaza war winds down before Summer, which should help Biden’s polling with young people. They have short attention spans, and the threat of a Trump Presidency should be dominating the news cycle by then.


This is true but…Israel is a secular country with 30 % or so of it’s people not Jews. Most of the Jews in Israel are Reformed and actually want peace. The Young people really do but…they keep a man that opposes their wishes in power. That is a problem the USA cannot fix.


Most polling of the Israeli’s tells us they DO want a solution, even Two State if that’s what it takes. If you look at a 1935 Map of the Eastern Med. you’ll see the place we’re talking about was called Palestine. That was obliterated in order to form a homeland for the Jewish people. If you’re not familiar with the Nakba you should give it a look. Most Palestinians see it as no different than the Holocaust and are loathe to accept what happened as just history and they damn sure don’t like the today that history gives them.

There’s no reason to be Pro Israel or Pro Palatine at this point. Neither hides what they are. The USA should walk away.


Obama didn’t do anything Clinton had not already done, and until we have genuine campaign funding reform, both parties will continue to give regular service to their donor class. I give to Common Cause every year because it is not democracy when money amplifies your voice. But that’s very different from what Trump is promising to do.

You can find fault with every former President but the litmus test is: did they delay the Reagan-Bush-Trump spiral towards plutocracy by four years? Obama did it for eight.


One thing Obama could do to help Biden is encourage him to get off his Catholic high horse and talk more forcefully about abortion rights for women.

Biden is clearly not comfortable talking about it, preferring to speak in generalities about returning to Roe instead of the horrors many women are now experiencing as a result of Draconian state laws. He needs to put his religious beliefs aside and get serious about it, hammering Trump on it, because it’s the Achilles Heel of the GOP going into this election.

Offloading the abortion issue to Harris in the campaign is not the answer. She should continue what she’s doing, it’s great, but she doesn’t have Biden’s media spotlight.


The Brits have a word for this: Bollocks!
And they have another word for it: Rubbish!

Where have you been for the last, oh, say, fifty years? Some would argue more like 70 or 80 years that the Republicans have been trying to undo the New Deal. Have the Dems been perfect? Far from it, but it is fatuous to suggest that the current mess is “Obama’s legacy”.


Although it may not me popular in here to mention St. Reagan …the guy did cut off Israel. Granted he was a “fuck the Jews they don’t vote for us” kind of guy but he did stand up to the Israeli leadership when he thought it was in America’s best interest to do so.

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DeSantis is no Tom Petty.


I’m with the sentiment…

That said, this is not how you talk to a teenager unless you want them to do the opposite out of spite.

The kids hear “Grow up! Who else are you going to vote for?”

They fear this will be election after election that the DNC will put its thumb on the scale for its establishment favorite, followed up by admonishment for immaturity for not yet accepting that “lesser of two evils” is the norm.

New voters have no memory of an upstart pushing to the side the establishment pick.

They were 3 years old in the '08 primary…

While most will come around, the approach to getting them is not going to be “The other guy is worse” they already know.

Viv a vis Gaza: This is the first major flare up of the area in thier living memory, so they are just now looking deeper at it.

After George Floyd how could we expect anything else but to see an oppressed people with a knee to their neck?

Telling them Trump would be worse itsnt going to work when it appears to them Trump and Biden are basically supporting the cops over the people being killed by them.


What would our World be like if Trump was President during WWII?
If Trump is reelected we might find out.
For me it is time to tell the story of “The Greatest Generation” and who and what they fought against.
Trump tries to and does run down members of the Military , Vets, POWs Gold Star families and the dead.
Maybe the story and film clips of of Trump and his hate for those that served should start hitting the Air Waves.


That was actually James Baker, under Bush 41.


The sentiment goes back to Nixon.

That is true.

Good post. Add in reproduction freedom and I’m good to go.


I’m very familiar with the history, thanks. I’m not firmly Pro Israel or Pro Palestine. A pox on both their houses, at least for the current leadership on both sides if not the general population.