The Impossibility Of Gaming Out Where Things Go From Here

I’d love to live in a world where the miracle of instant communication technology helped knit together a country’s sense of self and purpose. Could write a couple of books on why that isn’t what happened.

When Dukakis can be derailed by a pic of himself in a tanker’s helmet, or Howard Dean gets shitcanned for a victory whoop, or HRC or Obama get vilified for a decade about the Deplorable comment or bitterly clinging to guns…The Media is not your friend. The whole of the RW ecosphere exists solely to make up crap and conspiracy theories and bludgeon their narratives into silly minds. And the rest of The Media is basically only capable of tearing down…especially Ds. Not giving them ANYTHING to seize upon should be Job#1.

They report. They are not your boss. Anything she does, they are likely to cover it. Ds job is to make sure what they put out there is fairly bullet-proof. A president cannot be seen to come on command.

It’s a tough line to walk, but I believe Harris can do everything she needs to do with Social Media, good ads, and scripted statements/appearances.

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While we wait for the MM to drop. More hateful rhetoric showing their warped “christian” values.

Her prayer referred to the Sikh god as “the one true God”, explaining later it is their equivalent description/name for the Supreme Being like Yaweh is named in Christian and Jewish belief. But not for evangelicals.

The reaction from Republicans and other Trump supporters to Dhillon’s prayer ranged from calling her speech “inappropriate” to “satanic,” while others suggested the event itself promoted questionable theological statements.

Conservative commentator Stew Peters accused the RNC of promoting “satanic chants and multiple prayers to FALSE GODS” with Dhillon’s prayer.


History is replete with abominations done in the name of religion. So, there isn’t anything new under the sun. But for the most part, history shows they were usually being done under the guise of rectitude and piety, ostensibly following the righteous dictates of a benevolent deity. And rightly or wrongly, to keep social cohesion and avoid anarchy.

What these fucks are doing is so much sicker in comparison. It’s not coming from ‘The Church’ but instead anybody with a podcast or leading some fucked up skinhead org. Using it to justify their horrible fringe ideas, tear down society, and go after anybody that scares them. What they’re spouting is in direct contradiction to the written word. I mean, when MTG and Boebert are your oracles…???

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Pleased at how quickly my fears have been over-ridden. Delegates are typically just normal people and like most of us, they just want the nightmare to end and know that thunderdome isn’t the way to make that happen.


Your cynicism was well-justified.

I’m also amazed at the outpouring of true grassroots support and how quickly that forced the hand of the elites.

We did this. Not “the Dems” (meaning the party apparatus). They wanted the drawn out battle you and a lot of us feared.

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We’re DOOMED!!


Guess what - Elon already got cold feet and denied his pledge. So he’s both a snowflake AND a moron. I hope POTUS Harris deported him back to South Africa where he belongs. We don’t need to stinking racist “Afrikaner” Apartheid immigrants here.


That’s what the entire Republican hierarchy are thinking.

This is why they are so pitiful. Let them say the words they want to say instead of talking in dog whistles. They should OWN IT! The pathetic, feeble weaklings they are hide behind these DEI comments and welfare queen inferences. Let them show the country who they really are…Klansmen in suits.

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My fear is that this politicized Supreme Court will hand the Presidency to the Felon. Look at Alito and Thomas, and the rest of the enabling 6 on the court that ignored the actual facts and precedence and gave that POS immunity and ignored the actual words on the statute that prohibited interference with an official proceeding. Plus the fact that Alito flew the insurrectionist flag long AFTER 60 some cases that found NO election altering fraud. There needs to be a cleansing of this corrupt court and their BS decisions put aside. Right now there has been no consequence for their lies to the Senate and the taking of bribes, so why should they no find a way to hand the Presidency to a Felon?


Democrats did not want “the drawn out battle.”

Trump, Republicans, blathering media, and foreign agents all had reason to try and preserve the Democrat’s agony. Fostering chaotic fears among Democrats was their tool to stop or delay actions by party elders.

I saw that Stephen Colbert picked up on it too in his monologue this week. Biden is our Obi-Wan-Kanobi. Kamala is our Luke, and George Conway is our Yoda. Some needs to crank to the AI to do a round table scene with these guys in the crazy desert bar on Tatooie !


Oh, yes, please!!!

Harris’ stubborn refusal to distance herself from the Obama Administration’s Tan Suit Scandal will prove too much to overcome, in the end. We are doomed, and might as well give up now.

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