The Flynn Dismissal Fiasco Has Somehow Gotten Even Messier | Talking Points Memo

And apparently Covid free, according to Dr. T. They should be grateful really.

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That’s a great explanation. Thanks.


Yup. Become one of their clerks. :slight_smile:
Seriously, I suspect they are well aware, except for maybe Reo.


I don’t usually call people “nut jobs” (I make an exception for Trump), but I endorse your statement 100%. And would add to the list “potential Supreme Court nominee”.

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I think you are referring to Rinaldi v. United States, 434 U.S. 22 (1977). (Please ignore me or enlighten me if it’s a different case.) Rinaldi has been very selectively quoted in several reports on the Flynn matter and may be more supportive of your position than you think.

The Court discusses the leave of court requirement in Footnote 15. It sets out two possible reasons for the requirement and pointedly does not decide whether either or both are valid. The key sentences are:

(1) “The principal object of the “leave of court” requirement is apparently to protect a defendant against prosecutorial harassment…”

(2) “But the Rule has also been held to permit the court to deny a Government dismissal motion to which the defendant has consented if the motion is prompted by considerations clearly contrary to the public interest.”


Could he be charged under a new administration for planning the kidnapping of the Islamic cleric that Erdagan wanted returned to Turkey?




NYC Hotel keeper in the 80s who said taxes were for little people. Famous for treating her staff badly and loving St. Reagan.

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Again I say, none of these court motions are going to fare well for Flynn. Barr is also digging a huge grave for himself too fall into as well.


Yes, which is why Judge Sullivan, if he wants to proceed, has his work cut out for him.

Not saying he can or cannot succeed.

A previous comment:


The DC circuit has 9 judges.

Not really sure your 10 day old article applies as we are past the points being discussed in it.

“Sir, I have found you an argument; but I am not obliged to find you an understanding.”

(With apologies to Mr. Boswell’s friend.)


Court of Appeals for DC Circuit has 11.

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Umm, my understanding is fine. No matter how nicely an insult is phrased it is still an insult. Oh well.

“It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows.” --Epictetus


That was no insult; simply my refusing to spell out the relevant point after having quoted it.


Glad to hear it.

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Did he trick dear leader into firing him for lying? Oh, right, Cult45 says hat doesn’t count when a “patriot” is involved. One who was working as a foreign agent with out registering. Trump: always the best.


Barr’s DoJ will provide a response that seeks to satisfy the Appeals Court ruling in a much broader—or shall we say “girthier”—sense.


OT but delicious!
