The Daily Muck | Talking Points Memo

A judge will allow a lawyer for Chrissy Mazzeo to continue to collect evidence in connection to Mazzeo’s civil lawsuit against Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons. Mazzeo, a Las Vegas cocktail waitress, accused Gibbons of assaulting her in a parking lot after a night of drinking at a Vegas bar. Though Gibbons was cleared of sexual assault charges by a police investigation, Mazzeo claims that her reputation and constitutional rights were harmed when Gibbons allegedly covered up a the 2006 assault. Gibbons’ lawyer Pat Lundvall said that this would amount to nothing more than a waste of time because the suit lacks legitimate federal claims. (Las Vegas Sun)Probation officers recommended in court documents Tuesday that former Orange County Sheriff Michael Carona be sentenced to 78 months in prison for witness tampering. In January, Carona was convicted for asking Assistant Sheriff Don Haidl to lie to a grand jury investigating Carona for allegedly using his office to attract cash and gifts for his wife and mistress. The prison recommendation came to light in response to Carona’s request for a new trial or to have the conviction reversed. Carona was once named “America’s Sheriff” by CNN’s Larry King for spearheading the investigation into the killer of a five year old girl. (LA Times)

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