It’s Gym Jordan.
She’s unwell
My bad…
MTG is as welcome as a skunk in a picnic.
I think this is a really good idea. Seeing her questioning folks about how AntiFa broke through the barricades is going to be must-see TV.
MTG has advocated the imprisoning of political opponents. She shouldn’t even be in Congress. She is a traitor to democracy.
Ashli Babbitt, next question
I love the faux outrage bipartisan solutions are impossible when the other side absolutely refuses to vote for any resolution
I read this in the article–
The resolution does not list a due date for the committee’s final report, meaning that its investigation may spill into the 2022 midterm campaign season — a prospect Republicans have fretted about.
–and thought, well, fret away: the proposal for the bipartisan commission even had a guarantee that it’d wrap up its work by the end of this year.
Some people just won’t take Yes for an answer.
Why should MTG want to be on a committee when she’d make a darn good camp follower when CWII kicks off this summer?
crack is a helluva drug
Marjorie is looking for another opportunity to promote the Big Lie and grift a bit as well. Dream on Ms. Taylor-Greene, dream on.
A senior Democratic aide confirmed to TPM that Pelosi is reserving the right to reject any of McCarthy’s selections.
All of these will automatically be ruled out as committee members, because they’re on the list of people being called as participants in the insurrection. As is McCarthy himself.
Add Mo Brooks to the list. No way will he be appointed.
Those sunglasses make her look stupid.
No, wait…
Marjorie Greene Has A Jan. 6 Appointee Suggestion: Herself
In unrelated news, Pelosi announces all Select Committee members will be tested for steroids and human growth hormone.
Being removed from “all committees” means “no committees”. Duh.
I suspect these are the same crowds that go to NASCAR for the possible crashes
I can only speculate they were hoping for an insurrection to break out
Even Rep. John Katko (R-NY), one of the authors of the bill outlining the bipartisan commission, has already come out swinging against the select committee.
“It would be a turbo-charged partisan exercise, not an honest fact-finding body that the American people and Capitol Police deserve,” he said in a statement. “For those reasons, I will not support its creation when voted upon. Recognizing the deeply disappointing departure this represents from a truly bipartisan solution, I have a hard time envisioning a scenario where I would participate, if asked.”
Dude so how is your second attempt to get a bipartisan investigation formed and agreed upon by Republican senators? Show your work dude, or you’re just a poser.
Hell, they should all be subjected to psychoanalysis before setting foot in the chamber.
Good point. Then we should add McCarthy himself to the list as well.