The Business of TPM | Talking Points Memo

AMEN! I hate watching videos online, partly because I am often using my phone and don’t want to use the data to watch something on a tiny screen, and also partly because I am often reading TPM when I ought to be doing something else, and I would rather not draw attention to that fact.


Josh with hair. I remember those days.

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I found TPM from Eschaton/Atrios, a long, long, time ago (I think I found Eschaton off some piece in FHM about the new fad of blogging).

Happy birthday to the publication! It’s been a vital source of information, and useful stuff I’ve learned off here turns up in the oddest of places (such as recognising the authors of a given economics text - off a public sector course - as being old GWB social security privatisation hands)

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American culture, as a whole, has been moving away from the written word as an art form, for quite some time.

This. Dear Americans, the ones ‘under siege’ in a situation are usually the ones inside the building, not the surrounding whatever outside.

The Duke is unforgettable. So much enjoyed reading TPM in those days. Gave me a breather from having to always apologize for living in Kentucky with Mitch and Rand as my Senators. The Duke is long gone, but the show goes on with my two

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That’s a beautiful sentence! (As for me, I’m mostly a reader of the comments which mostly works for me.)

I ran into him once early in his career as our Rep and I gave him a relatively polite nice to meet you Mr Cunningham. He literally said to me - Just call me Duke Little Lady complete with smarmy smile. I was in my mid-20’s and I remain utterly appalled by him. What a dumb jackass