Nah. He has the nuclear codes, so no problem.
He had absolutely no respect for his brother’s chosen career. He and his father referred to Fred, Jr. as a “bus driver.”
I guess it’s only surprising that he’s not claiming that there were “illegal aliens” at work in the control tower.
I know…unless he can use it…
Wow. Looks like flying into San Francisco is going to be tough.
I understand that her family has asked that she not be named. I expect they are fearful of violence from the MAGAts. How sad that they have to deal with that when they have suffered such a tragedy.
it is going to take one strong person to ask the question to REPBLICANS…'HAVE YOU NO HONOUR, SIR? and say it loud and clear.
i watch the eyes…a lot of times , his eyes are not focused…i think elroy is givng him a new exotic drug he created, he can;t even read a teleprompter…thats why he repeats himself.and uses the same words, phrases over and over