As we get approval… from whom, Putin?
What do you expect from the Buffoon in charge, the clown can barely walk and chew gum at the same time. Failure to declare a National Emergency is going to cost people their lives and he’s doing it for political reasons. That is malfeasance at the highest levels.
Sundowning combined with the Adderall wearing off.
It’s one for the history books!
so the failing British National Health Service is able to test people on oil platforms, and Tom Hanks can get testing in Australia, but Americans are still being refused testing …
gosh. who’s in charge in the US?
When Trump speaks, the markets listen!
No one
Any other president would fire his staff over this fiasco, but Trump has already gotten rid of every competent staff member. He seems to be down to Miller and Jared.
Yes, his right eye (left from our perspective) looked very weird, like the eye was retreating under puffy eyelids.
There’s a lot going on we don’t know about.
Why does everyone assume these are errors? Maybe it’s messaging. If one makes arbitrary, scattershot and self-contradictory claims, then one has a sound-bite for every audience. This is his genius, say everything, cover every possible outcome, then claim victory.
And it seems to work.
The travel ban was about lining his own pockets. See
They can’t even put together a speech meant to distract from how badly they’re fucking things up without fucking up the speech. And then lying about it.
I hear the National Association of Klown Kars (NAKK) is suing for defamation after someone compared the Trump administration to them.
The guys who made the movie “Airplane” had a sequel planned, called “Presidency,” but they’re giving it up. Trump has already stolen all their best bits.
breaking news! trump wins limbo contest. new world record for incompetence.
Trump is a barely functioning illiterate Russian Mafia hood who would have been “eliminated” by now if he performed at such a low level in the USSR. Yet Republicans swear that he’s the Second Coming of God? More worried about how it looked to have a pen mark on his sleeve than the crisis confronting his countrymen?
I wonder if he peed himself like he did the other day at…what was it, a briefing at the CDC?
Washington Post, this morning:
“In a blistering editorial published Wednesday, the editor in chief of one of the U.S.’s top academic journals accused President Trump of “distorting the science” around the coronavirus even as he demands a vaccine faster than is scientifically possible.”
Here’s the link to the editorial:
If trump and Pence come down with this at the same time and are incapacitated, would we have an Acting President Pelosi?
It won’t, but his base might be impressed.
Someone called it the “redundancy of satire.”