The Animated Taiwanese Version Of The Rod Blagojevich Story (VIDEO) | Talking Points Memo

I know we said that we were going to stop posting every single thing Taiwan’s Next Media Animation does (they post new stuff every day and, y’know, diminishing returns and all), but this is pretty great. And it is a Friday. So, they’ve tackled the Rod Blagojevich story and, as always, we can learn new things about America when viewed through the eyes of outsiders.This time we learned that Blago’s visage can shatter mirrors, when he runs he sounds like Fred Flintstone, and, most importantly, that the state of Illinois is apparently run out of a series of nondescript tract houses. Fascinating. To make matters better, we also get a lovely thanks at the end from the nice Taiwanese ladies who narrate these things. Aw! Love you, girls!

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