That Cardboard Box In Your Home Is Fueling Election Denial– Talking Points Memo

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That the Ulines are getting rich is hardly surprising: all Democrat homes need a place to store the fraudulent ballots for any upcoming election.


Well, that does it for me. I liked Uline products, but not anymore…


Ironically, the dispensary I go to stocks their bathrooms with Uline products.

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TL;DR: They are white supremacist Christian dominionist SCUM and you should do everything you can, including taking to social media to promote the idea, to promote boycotts of Uline.


“Uline wipes it.”

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No matter what they say or do their money comes from us.
Their beliefs belong in their circle of friends and family not in our circles and families.

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For new staffers, it begins with the dress code in the employee handbook: Women are not permitted to wear pants except as part of a pantsuit or on Fridays; hose or stockings must be worn except during the warmer months; dresses “that are too short” and corduroy of any kind are strictly prohibited.

I think dress codes for offices are right and good. I also don’t care for corduroy - but I would not go so far as to ban it. That’s odd.

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good luck getting something shipped to you in a non-uline box

that’s what is so frustrating with the current capitalist structure, it’s getting harder and harder to boycott things


Appeasing these throwbacks after the Civil War allowed them to flourish. They are a bloated tick on the American underbelly.

Now, instead of enslaving black people, they get to arrest them for bullshit, throw them in jail forever, and not only work them for pennies but charge the Fed for the privilege in for-profit jails.

All those military bases littered about places of no strategic importance. Money that underpins these Right Wing fortunes coming out of Fed programs like student loans, all at the expense of the Fed and therefore the people.

The GOP are the establishment. The reason they are so good at using the rules is because they wrote them. This is the Rich vs the Poor, but together we are richer than them, and need to realize all that howling is something dying.

I will be donating every penny I can for 2024 because we’re in sight of the end of these fucks and it’s been more than a thousand years coming.


The Uihleins… reported around $18 million in income in 2002… That rocketed fortyfold, to $712 million, in 2018.

Money isn’t “speech” any more than buying boxes is.

So, what options/competitors are out there to replace Uline products? I am not interested in supporting these fascists with my business…


This family is a living embodiment of the evolution (or lack thereof) of the currently dominant strain of the Republican Party. It’s all a straight line from the end of reconstruction, to America First Nazi sympathizers, to Birchers opposed to civil rights, down through Pat Buchanan’s and finally giving us Trump and January 6th.

Time to pay attention to cardboard, this family crosses a line.


Yup, we’re experiencing 1890s levels of monopoly power in so many areas of our economy - time for some new Trust Busting legislation. I’d love to see the current media oligarchy (six companies holding 90 percent of all media in the US) targeted first!


Well, I’d like to know whether the IRS has evaluated the legality of “dynasty trusts.” Probably they have one or two lawyers working on it now. /s

I imagine the Uihleins supply the cardboard boxes that homeless people live in, on the streetcorners of some of our wealthy cities.

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Good luck getting anyone to file a primetime report on that!


You’re not going to be successful in any type of boycott because their profits are insulated in B2B sales and politics isn’t the realm of even the most progressive of procurement departments.

The real issue here isn’t their politics either, it’s their money and this supreme court’s belief that bribery and corruption are free speech.

There are two generational challenges that anyone that believes in liberal democracy needs to focus on: 1) How to decouple money from politics outside of the court or the politicians who benefit from the current regime and 2) How to protect voting rights so that the majority has the ability to control our government rather than the dystopian alternative it feels like we are creeping closer to.

Until we secure voting rights and end political corruption and legalized bribery, it’s hard to do much else of consequence. Trying to boycott the cardboard box manufacturer doesn’t address the root cause, even if it was possible to convince companies that they should care about it.


Not many. They win at scale because the margins aren’t super high on any manufactured good, and these are sold in bulk at discount.

In an ideal world, it wouldn’t matter if you were buying from a fascist because the fascist wouldn’t have an outsized influence on our political campaign’s by way of donations/bribes.


I would have hope for America if this was a problem for companies, but we still buy Henry Ford’s.