Team Trump Trips Over GOP Questions About Facts Of The Ukraine Gambit | Talking Points Memo

Yes, a blonde, so that’s, you know, something. Also got her JD from Stetson, so there’s that too. I’ve never heard of it either. Ranked 104th nationally, evidently. Pretty mediocre and scandal-ridden career, with little evidence she’s actually good at lawyering, at least for a member of a presidential impeachment defense team. But perfect for Trump. Shaking my head.


Gaming out a doomsday scenario.

Repubs will vote a quick acquittal without witnesses. A shocked country won’t know how to react. Not slowing down, Repubs will continue their assault on our Republic. They will immediately move to “win” November elections by hook or crook side stepping or nulling a strong democratic backlash vote. They have no conscience. We are unguarded.

Repubs are literally in the process of committing a coup and we are all so shocked we aren’t reacting.


Maybe a bit sweeping.

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Maybe America needs to go to hell, to get on with it already, to go where Republicans are intent on taking it. Maybe we really need to totally destroy the place, ruin the lives of vast multitudes, maybe have a really really big war, kill millions and millions of people, and really destroy the environment and greatly accelerate and deepen the looming climate catastrophe. Maybe we need vast quantities of pure evil unleashed to complement the vast quantities of stupendous stupidity and assholery we are already drowning in.

Then, when everything is destroyed, some few can come together and write a better constitution, and begin the cycle again. Humans are unworthy of Earth. Well, in truth, about 45% of America is unworthy of Earth, because that 45% is angry and hell-bent on raping and destroying Earth. They could not care less. MAGA!


And maybe not. :smiley:


With the Republicans declaring criminality a core perk of the presidency, I think we can say Chief Justice John Roberts is willingly presiding over the funeral of the American experiment.


I saw about 2/3s of it starting from the beginning and falling asleep in the middle (had muted derpowitz). Didn’t see her. Guess they didn’t send her out again after that demonstration?


And the one thing all these people have in common (besides poor client selection skills) is an affiliation with the Federalist Society.

I hope that law schools across the land will take some of the more notorious clips from this shit-show and put together a presentation showing what happens when you attend too may Federalist Society seminars. They need to start exposing 1Ls to this and inoculate them.

The really scary part is that it is that Trump is moving people with these legal reasoning skills onto the federal bench.


Today’s FT:


All he is saying is the GOP have now brought us to the Sulla and Julius Caesar phase of the Republic.


She embarrassed us enough in Florida
My favorite was when she postponed an execution because it conflicted with a fund raiser
Between her and Rick Scott it was a sad state of affairs in Florida


Never had it never will
They are only concerned with trying to get him acquitted before the SOTU so he can crow he was acquitted
Facts don’t matter


It is not that the few threatened, or at least competitive, GOP senators in the 2020 cycle are “moderates”, but that they are under threat of changing demographics. McSally is no moderate, she’s a Trumpster. Tillis is no moderate, he’s a Trumpster. Cory Gardner may stand for something more moderate than McSally or Tillis, but mostly he’s a coward. Susan Collins, well, not going there. Only Joe Manchin really fits the moderate GOP label, and he pretends to be a Democrat!


i’m not sure I get it… What




her response?

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My Fox Newsy Brother in Law used to call President Obama a “Fay-row”, which seemed to imply that a Unified Executive Theory doesn’t hold for brown presidents.


Facts? Facts??? We don’ need no stinkin’ facts!