President Donald Trump’s campaign advisers are saying openly that his rally in New Hampshire Monday night wasn’t just counterprogramming to the Democratic primary in the key swing state.
President Donald Trump’s campaign advisers are saying openly that his rally in New Hampshire Monday night wasn’t just counterprogramming to the Democratic primary in the key swing state.
They also hoped that the Secret Service restrictions accompanying his Manchester rally would clog up the state’s biggest city on the eve of the Democratic primary, hampering candidates and voters from getting around.
As I said in another post less than one hour ago, they don’t even need to pretend to justify anything they do anymore.
Advisers hoped that Secret Service moves in downtown Manchester to secure the area for the president’s arrival would also make it harder for Democratic candidates and their supporters to transverse the state’s largest city in the hours before the primary’s first votes are cast
And so it begins continues: now we see what an unrestrained tyrant can do to democracy in America.
Hope the Rethug Senators are delighted to see how grateful the criminal in chief is that he wasn’t removed from office and how he will continue to be on the up and up with absolutely no monkey business.
Something biblical comes to mind, like “by his works you shall know him.” It takes a rat-fucker to accomplish rat-fuckery. Trump is a disgusting human being I hope it rains on his parade, like with thunder and lightning.
The President wasn’t above engaging in some gamesmanship himself, encouraging his independent supporters to vote for the “weakest” Democrat on Tuesday, as “undeclared” voters can vote in either party’s primary. In recent weeks, the Trump campaign has sought to bolster the candidacy of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), who they see as the easiest for Trump to beat in a general election.
I can’t wait until this blows up in their faces, just like it did with Clinton, be careful what you wish for.
Do. NOT. Get. Me. Started this morning. If I see or hear anything from that bootlicking wench today I will march on her Senate office and tell her off to her face.
I mean, we knew he was going to use every trick in the book, legal or otherwise. This is probably one of the most tame examples we’re likely to hear about in 2020.
“If Republicans put as much effort into coming up with ways to fix America’s problems as they do in coming up with ways to keep Democrats from voting…”
Yeah, first thing I thought of, was that there must be some “on the fence” NH voters who will be pissed off when they hear this. Maybe a few more than would have bothered to vote in the primary or in November. Smart move, Donnie!
Your tax dollars and the tax dollars of the state of NH at work. He’ll do this in S. Carolina and Nevada. Super Tuesday is too big for him to jam up every states election especially those of us who vote by mail.