Tapper Stops Mnuchin In His Tracks On Ukraine-Biden Situation

Are we finally about to reach the top of the first and biggest climb on this roller coaster?

I am so afraid to hope anymore.


“I really don’t want to go into details.”
Tapper: “And I really don’t want you to come on my show and spew lie after lie after lie, but you’re doing exactly that; so please proceed with your ‘details’.”


I feel certain that some law school somewhere needs another janitor.


Or in May of this year when Vanity Fair put up a long story about it with details about Hunter’s private life which will be the next aspect of the “situation” they trumpites will be on about.


Giuliani was out Monday morning fulminating about Hunter Biden’s “drug problems.”


This kind of thing isn’t fair to Mnuchin, he’s never been called out before in his entire life. Usually the riffraff knows their place!


I quit watching that Tapper interview when he didn’t say to Mnuchin: “You’re a lying piece of shit, get off of my show”. Really, that’s the only way to deal with these enablers of treason.


Of all things to criticize a Democratic candidate of, this is absolutely the most ridiculous - given the Trump family activities before AND during Trump’s presidency, to try and paint the Bidens or anyone else as somehow unethical for their business practices is laughable. Thank God there are some journalists like Tapper willing and ready to push back and point out the hypocrisy of it all


I have no idea what this headline is about, because Tapper not only didn’t stop Mnuchin in his tracks, he let Mnuchin get away with saying there its okay to corruptly use the Presidency as long as you were already in business.

I mean, there is so much low hanging corruption fruit in the Trump presidency – including Mnuchin’s own use of public funds to take his wife on sightseeing tours – that i can’t believe all Tapper did was change the subject after allowing Mnuchin to deliver his talking points.


Yes but try to remember…Chump’s whole MO in life is to wallow in the cesspool and float upon the dead bodies of those who just couldn’t survive there.

His only hope in this election will be to drag down good people. Only Biden has this grab-able handle amongst our current candidates. Why do you think it is the ONLY thing Chump zeroed in on…for the one opponent who appears to be doing best in polling against him?

I don’t like it, it is so inhuman and grotesque. But it is the only play Chump has, and Biden is the only one with a skeleton in his closet that resembles (some of) the exact same crap Chump is guilty of.


It’s a two-fer in the Karl Rove school of thought - hitting your opponent hard with the issues you yourself are weak on. One, offspring’s business deals; two, shaking down foreign governments.

Trump never points a finger where he doesn’t have three pointing back on himself.


I think she should read Josh’s latest Prime post. Hello @kate_riga!


Time to start booking all the Slime Weasels and have hosts willing to challenge their twaddle.


In terms of potential baggage, it seems like it is only Joe, but many thought it was only Hillary last time. In truth, FOX can take anything, put it in their 24/7 scandal-ator, and it comes out as baggage. Warren? You can bet they’ve placed members of her family at quilting bees attended by Saul Alinsky, and found that Harvard Law’s servers hosted Muslim Students Association chats that quoted the Holy Koran. Sure it sounds tame, but when Hannity and Ingraham are done with it, it will be as bad as Hunter Biden — that is, not bad at all, but sounding bad to low information voters. The best thing would be for Biden to remain the front runner for a while, but then later the eventual nominee emerges with negatives correspondingly low.


Actually, Joe had 4 children. He has a daughter with Jill named Ashley.

But yes, don’t attack the kids for personal gain if they have nothing to do with Biden’s campaign.


These are the folks that don’t care that kids are in cages & being forcibly orphaned…and you want them to care about what? …this IS their level of decency


Mnumb Mnumb Mnumbskull, the drooling dumbfuck liar.

“I, for one, find that to be concerning…” hahahaha.

And he certainly wouldn’t last long in a courtroom. Courtroom staff have great BS detectors.

Yep…this is major problem in mainstream media. The focus is on Biden/Ukraine as headline & talkingpoint. Not whistleblower/Trump scandal…our media is complicit in spreading GOP talking point.

It’s a disgrace how they mislead & distort the focus from Trump.

Sick. Of. It.


Yes, thanks for correcting me. I forgot about Ashley.

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