Th fix is in … on everything.
Americans are too stupid to see what’s going on.
Th fix is in … on everything.
Americans are too stupid to see what’s going on.
a full coup d’etait has occurred in the United States has me wondering how many American even know what a coup is. LOL. this is where e are. pick up you pitchforks its Buner Hill time. we lost that battle. but history records the fierce fighting of simple farmers and of course Samuel Adams
Thank you for the explanation!
So does this “tell” you anything about how Roberts might vote?
Leaving this open is not a pass for the Republicans, in fact it’s probably worse for them. Leaving this hanging, with the administration arguing to get rid of the ACA in total (including the popular parts), makes it clear that they will continue to try to get rid of it in 2021 if Trump wins. And, there have been rumblings of taking out Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid as well…this will give any statements about that teeth. Every Democrat should be running on health care, and pinning this to the Republicans…it’s the Obamacare overturn vote all over again, except the vote is still hanging out there unlike in 2018.
Democrats win on health care, unless they fall into the trap of calling for Medicare for All in Jan, 2021 which does push people away.
If you want me to read jurisprudential tea leaves, I would say that this is a sign they are likely to deny review and let the case play out with Judge O’Connor and the Fifth Circuit for the foreseeable future. If there were four votes ready to grant review, it probably wouldn’t be that hard to get a fifth vote to expedite. Who among Thomas, Alito, and Kavanaugh wouldn’t vote to kill the ACA dead as a door nail at the first available opportunity?
For the liberal justices, letting the case play out in the lower courts creates space for the next election to fix the problem for them, maybe even for a new colleague or two to join them in a new working majority by the time the case works its way back up.
Thanks again. Your insights are greatly appreciated.
When the issue of fast-tracking this case first came up I wrote: “You’ll know the conservative Justices are in the tank for Trump’s re-election if there aren’t enough votes to fast track this case and return a decision before November, 2020.”
Now we know.
Gratuitous bullshit from the SCOTUS again.
Hardly a surprise…this SCOTUS, and all previous ones dominated by conservative judges, is always trying to dismantle any liberal initiatives passed into law. They always have and, I’m sorry to say, they always will. Just watch what they undo with Rose v. Wade…stare decisis only applies to Republican decisions.
SCOTUS to America: We’ve been instructed not to screw you until after the election. You’re welcome.
Bloomberg is already running ads on this…well on Trump and the GOP wanting to take away preexisting conditions
Disagree. The SCOTUS intent is to gut the law after the election.
Whether the press will allow the Republicans to defer the controversy until after the election is a different issue.
I agree because of this in the reporting on this decision at WaPo. The possibility also exists that a Democratic prez could step in and issue an Executive Order and put an end to SCOTUS wrangling.
A practical effect is that the Affordable Care Act is likely to remain in place through the November elections.
Such an examination [of the mandate] would probably take months and push a final Supreme Court decision on the issue far into the future, and certainly past this year’s elections.
New Democratic president issues an Executive Order and puts an end to this.
They are making the assumption that tRUmp is still around after the elections therefore there is no rush.
M4a can be a winner. Just needs people with the will to state over and over that it is cheaper than current system. On 1/6/2020 LA Times, Time mag and others reported for example we are paying 34 percent of premiums for overhead, Canadians on the other hand are paying under 5 percent for same. The difference is what pays for m4a.
I find that doubtful. Roberts has shown to be happy overturning previous court decisions, but he hasn’t shown any indication of overturning his own decisions.
Doing so on the ACA with such flimsy reasoning would be the SCOTUS declaring war on Dem priorities. I think you would find support for court packing from Dems spike overnight under such a decision. Roberts might be conservative, but he isn’t crazy.
Oh, please. Even TPM is incapable of reporting accurately and gets sucked into their swamp language.
“Taking political pressure off of Trump” is a gross understatement: what it really means is that he can continue to lie and say that “only he” can protect the pre-existing conditions provision - - a provision that he is, in fact, actively working to completely eliminate.