Supreme Court Sounds Disinclined To Rubber Stamp 5th Circuit Extremism In CFPB Case

I love the doily metaphor, but as someone who tried to crochet a doily when I was young, I can tell you they have a tightly knotted, complex structure as carefully constructed as the best legal argument.


But it’s also judicial conservatism. Even when “conservative” politicians were actually conservative, liberals backed judicial conservatism, which didn’t truck with crap like Dred Scott, Plessy, The Civil Rights Cases, Lochner and their ilk. Korematsu was made up out of whole cloth.


It’s the hands pulling his internal strings that are the worrisome part.

Not to downplay Kagan and Sotomayer (who are both excellent Justices), but KBJ is probably the smartest and most qualified Justice currently on the Court.

And it shows in nearly every oral argument or ruling she participates in.

Edit: To emphasize the point, here’s a key argument made by KBJ in the Alabama redistricting case:

While we can never be sure, I don’t think it’s a coincidence that at the end of last year’s SCOTUS term, Roberts and Kavanaugh joined the three liberal Justices in striking down the Alabama map:

KBJ may have very well convinced them based on her originalist argument regarding the 14th amendment.


This is the polar opposite of Clarence Thomas’ alleged reason for being “conservative,” or more accurately, completely antithetical to anything that benefits minorities. He claims that the goal of white liberal do-gooders is to literally not see people’s color, as if we’re supposed to be stuck in a universe of Steven Colbert satire. He simply can’t imagine that the goal is to recognize that people should be accepted and given the same opportunities even as we clearly see the color of each other’s skin and other physical differences.


Not only is the conservative majority on the SC changing laws to fit their agenda but they are deregulating everything in sight to leave the American citizen and the resources of this nation vulnerable and available to the predators who fund them.

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The genesis of it is taxes. Ever since the income taxe was made law, dark money has kept trying to nix it, any way they can.