Sunday Breaks Another Record For Air Travel During COVID-19 | Talking Points Memo

Yeah, wearing the usual mass market masks is unlikely to be really helpful when you’re sitting with one or more active cases in the sealed cabin of an airliner for over an hour.


Quite a combination. Between the people who absolutely must fly halfway across the country to visit their in-laws during the holidays (it’s a sacred tradition!), and the people who will resist getting vaccinated (because reasons), we’re doomed. This virus is just going to keep going and going and going…


Yeah, they must suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome.

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Not to mention complete contempt for the common good.


Christ Jay-sus In The Morning!!! Who are these people, and why are they not constrained by their own instincts for self-preservation even if they will not care at all about the rest of us? It hurts my brain to think about their callousness.


After watching this, I think that there should be a dish of Skittles at every boarding area, with a sign that says “Help yourself. Only 1% of these will kill you”.

This is for the COVIDiots that try to sound smart by constantly bringing up the “survival rate” as their excuse to be selfish

— Icculus The Brave (@FirenzeMike) December 26, 2020

I recently skipped flying out to the funeral of a dearly beloved relative who was like a 2nd mother to me in order to help keep the rest of my family and everyone else safe. I have another friend who skipped his father’s funeral for the same reasons (also, he is high risk). These people can all go f*** themselves.


There was a jump of order 100,000 cases before and after Thanksgiving travel season, and a doubling of deaths to 3000+…there are more people traveling now, more interactions, during Christmas. We could be at the level of 400,000 cases per day in January, and 6000+ deaths, by the time Biden takes over. Maybe worse, and maybe better as some places stepped up their restrictions that may help slow the spread, but we won’t see the infection rate going down to small levels anytime soon.

And, it’s all due to selfish people, from Trump on down, who just refused to take this seriously or consider their fellow humans. Our only hope is to get enough people vaccinated that the virus can’t spread anymore, because it’s obvious that a large fraction of the American people no longer feel any sort of civic duty and can’t be trusted to help solve big problems. That’s a major hurdle for the nation going forward, we just have too many who think like Mitch McConnell to achieve anything as long as they can stand in the way and selfishly ruin things for the rest of us.


President Elect Biden was correct- We will have a dark winter.

January 2021 will be hell. Stay home if you can.


No additional descriptors are required. The word “Americans” its synonymous with stupid, venal and self-absorbed.

We don’t have a lock on stupid…take a look at the pictures from London when Tier 4 lock down was announced 10 days ago. Total gridlock on roads, buses, subways, and planes all at once. It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad.

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I have traveled on planes twice since Sept. Although I would have taken a pass over the holidays, the airports and the actual planes seemed very safe. Unlike the world where people can be stupid about distance and masking these facilities are under federal control and no one is allow to ignore regulations. The rising rates of Covid must have something to do with what people do when they get to where they are going.

I really think American Exceptional Stupidity helps inspire such actions around the world.

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Well we are front page news in just about every overseas news source that I’ve seen. So we lead by example?


Yep…in the worst possible sense.


Boy howdy, you certainly have that right!


That was my favorite book as a child! Every time I see a show about “Tiny Houses” I think of it.


I’m sorry for your loss. I hope their memory is a blessing.

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Covid found our small family of 3, in Victoria, BC Canada (pop 92,141). We have almost 7,000 cases of the disease in our city. My youngest son is in isolation in my apt while I stay with my daughter in a separate apartment. We are monitored daily by phone calls from contact tracers and nurses. We can go for walks but that’s about it.

Air travel endangers our continent, our world, lets reserve it for emergency.
Good health to all. Please be careful.

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My wife and I spent Thanksgiving alone as did most of our left-leaning friends and neighbors. Christmas we did the same - but were the only two of all the people we know who did. Yet these people are the same people who will tell you all about how careful they are and the various precautions they take, etc. etc. etc. It is not just the Trumpians.

Yeah, my Facebook page is full or pictures of people who got together with someone outside their household for Christmas. Maybe they were smart about it, maybe they will get lucky…but a lot of people in the US didn’t take any precautions and won’t be lucky. Next month is just going to be awful, you can just feel it coming in the way people behaved over the holidays…and we still have New Year’s to go.

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