The 2024 leading Republican candidate, colluding with Trump internationally.
The 2024 leading Republican candidate, colluding with Trump internationally.
Funny you should mention…
YOU get a pardon and YOU get a pardon and YOU get a pardon and YOU get a pardon…!
Investigations in the corrupt Repubs are always baseless, partisan and petty, while those into Dems are always virtuous, patriotic and sadly unavoidable. Funny how that works. And I’m supposed to view them as fellow humans and respect their humanity? Fuck that. I wish them covid, anal warts and genital herpes.
I’m sure there is some federal law that they can come up with to make her reimburse the government. Did that happen to one of tRumps earlier appointees that left for abuse?
Oh but … HOLY SHT … ‘the emails’!!!
I wonder what the Department policy was prior to this OIG recommendation. I bet it was to get written consent.
The Bitch Is Back.
So, know we know. Pompeo does what he does to get a little "joy’.
I seems all these R’s want is some ‘feel good’. What a bunch of sexually oppressed children.
These Inspectors General… they’re always looking into things. It’s like someone set up the government to include guards against dishonest people; er, I mean republicans.
If a society does not enforce it laws against corruption, it deserves what it gets.
Tip line?
How do all of these unscrupulous IGs get appointed?
Lock her up.
Which ones?
Considering everything else on our plates right now, I really don’t care.
Definitely a tip line. Good idea!